

Test Test CaseStatusComments
Accounting IntegrationVerify Accounting Exports work flow 


Batch JobRun All Batch JobsMIFOSTEST-715


Customize TextEdit and Remove Customized Text 


Verify 'Define customized text ' pageMIFOSTEST-1172


Verify customized text on various Mifos pagesMIFOSTEST-1171,


Verify customized text on 'Change Loan status' pageMIFOSTEST-1170,


Define and View FeesCreate one time fee 


Create periodic fee 


Verify view fees table contents 


Define and View OfficeDefine new office with existing name 


View office 


Define and View ChecklistDefine and Edit ChecklistMIFOSTEST-1096


Not testing the appearance of the checklist displaying in the center workflow. New cases can be added later when we decide whether to keep checklist feature longer term

Define Hidden/Mandatory FieldsDefine Hidden/Mandatory Fields 


Verify Changes made on 'Define Hidden/Mandatory fields'MIFOSTEST-219,


Verify Hidden fieldsMIFOSTEST-1182


Verify Mandatory fieldsMIFOSTEST-1181


Define Lookup OptionsVerify attributes successfully added 


Edit FundView and edit fund test 


FundDefining and Editing a FundMIFOSTEST-703


Import TransactionsImport Excel Format Audi Bank Transactions





test exists but has not resolved status
Import transaction page loads with no plugins availableMIFOS-2683


Loan ImportImport new Loans DataMIFOS-5662


Month ClosingMonth closing permission 


Disbursal before month closing date   
MPESA importImport MPESA Transactions




 Import Transactions from files with no errorsMIFOSTEST-688


 Import transaction page loads with no plugins availableMIFOS-2683


 Fail Import TransactionMIFOSTEST-692


 Import has errors and users choses to import a different file with some valid and invalid dataMIFOSTEST-695


 Digits after decimal validate occurs for disbursal and payment importMIFOSTEST-278


Roles and PermissionAdjustment of past dated transactions 


MIFOS-5082 - ticket not resolved, why assigned to this test?
Disable System Info Permission 


Savings ImportImport Savings Account to Clients 


System Info Date TimeVerify current date and time display and that current date and time can be modified using 'time machine'MIFOSTEST-639


Verify Database Information Test (minus)TODO: need to support MIFOS_CONF variable
View Lateness And Dormancy DefinitionVerify Lateness And Dormancy DefinitionMIFOSTEST-705


View Office HierarchyView office hierarchy page 


View Organization SettingsVerify View Organization Settings pageMIFOSTEST-259 test case resolved but ticket has status 'unresolved'
View Product CategoriesView product categoriesMIFOSTEST-649


TODO: add support for other languages than English