AcceptanceTest/Loan Product

AcceptanceTest/Loan Product

Test Test CaseStatusComment
Cash Flow

Verify cash flow fields 


Verify cash flow with null value 


Verify cash flow unchecked 


Verify cash flow for non variable installment loan 


Verify warnings for non variable installment loan 


Verify warnings for variable installment loan 


Verify cash flow for variable installment loan 


Verify cash flow page in loan account creation flowMIFOSTEST-672


Define New Loan ProductCreate weekly loan product 


Create weekly loan product with question groups 


Create monthly loan product 


Verify waive interest for loan accountMIFOSTEST-710


Verify grace period without interest type 


Edit Loan ProductEdit existing loan product 


similar ticket - MIFOSTEST-312
Edit existing loan and savings productMIFOSTEST-312


TODO js - missing error msg (line 149, 156)
Verify LSIM disabled 


Create and edit new loan product with LSIM off
Verify variable installment unchecked 


LSIM on, Create and edit new loan product, edit 'Can configure variable installments' on edit loan product page, after that LSIM off
Verify variable installment 


Create and edit new loan product, set and validate installment option
Verify variable installment with null values 


LSIM on, Create and edit new loan product, 'set and validate installment option'
Verify cash flow 


Verify cash flow with null value 


Verify cash flow unchecked 


Verify cash flow fields 


Proper Loan Product Calculations

Verify proper interest and payment weekly flat rate loanMIFOSTEST-63


Verify proper interest and payment monthly flat rate loanMIFOSTEST-64


Verify proper interest and payment weekly declining balance productMIFOSTEST-66


Verify proper interest and payment monthly declining fixed productsMIFOSTEST-67


Verify proper calculations flat product non default propertiesMIFOSTEST-69


Verify proper calculations fixed product non default propertiesMIFOSTEST-70


Verify interest calculated with 365 daysMIFOSTEST-199


Variable Installment Loan ProductVerify LSIM disabled 


LSIM off, On new loan product page - verify that variable installment not available
 Verify variable installment unchecked 


 Verify variable installment with null value 


 Verify variable installment 


 Verify variable installment field 


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