

TestTest Case StatusComments
Add Family DetailsGo to preview page after entering family details 


Verify 'no living status' 


Verify 'can add and delete row' 


Go to preview page 


Go to edit after preview page 


Can go to submit after preview page 


Can edit after submit 


Add family with all names 


Client TestVerify Accepted Payment TypesMIFOSTEST-248


Verify Error Messages 


Create client and change status testMIFOSTEST-208


Overpaying client feesMIFOS-4776



Edit an existing client details,

Updating Date of client`s birth (GLIM, LSIM) -MIFOS-5685




Create Client Outside Group

Incorrect message during client creation - MIFOS-5032




Search for Client and Edit Details

Add acceptance test for editing Client MFI information - MIFOS-2454



Close Client Account with Question GroupMIFOSTEST-663


Create Client with Correct Age 


Create Client with more than maximum age 


Create Client with less then minimum age 


Search for clients and add surveys 


Capturing responses during client creationMIFOSTEST-681


Adding member to group with different statusesMIFOSTEST-35


Adding member 'on hold' status to group with different statusMIFOSTEST-40


Not possible to remove client with loan from groupMIFOSTEST-51


Not possible to remove member with active loan account from a group with active loan accountMIFOSTEST-50


Verify that sequence of client names in properties file is used for displaying the order of client names in UIMIFOSTEST-205


Verify Client Created with Active StatusMIFOSTEST-209



Verify changes on client details page after client`s group membership is removed



blocked by MIFOS-4272

Verify when a mandatory group saving account is calculated per individual, after user is removed from the group, group`s calculations of amount per individual is recalculated

MIFOSTEST-52(minus)   blocked by MIFOS-4272

Verify when a mandatory savings account is calculated per individual in the group, and user joining the group becomes part of savings group`s calculations, amount per individuals is recalculated

MIFOSTEST-45(minus)   blocked by MIFOS-4272
Adding member with Pending Approval Status to group with Active statusMIFOSTEST-43


Create client in partial application statusMIFOSTEST-305


Blacklisted flag is still displayed after changing statusMIFOS-4643


 Creates new client, tests status changes and verifies blacklisted flag
Client`s Group Membership cannot be changed due to the error message 'Group Membership cannot be changed, as an active accounts exist'MIFOS-4272


Creates six clients with different loan/savings accounts and tries to add them to two groups: one with inactive account and one with active account

Move Client to Group with Different Meeting Frequency 


Check permission to edit client with Pending Approval Status 
