Unit Tests
Unit Tests
Running from the command line
- cd to the application/ directory
- Run all the unit tests:
mvn clean test
- Run one test:
mvn test -Dtest=TheNameOfYourTestClass
- Run from Eclipse: right click on test class > Run As > JUnit Test
Developing Unit Tests
- Under no circumstances the unit tests should touch the database! Use mock objects or in-memory implementations. The unit tests need to run quickly, and touching a database makes them slow and fragile.
- NOTE: Only unit tests are not enough to confirm that build is not broken after a change in main code, hence you should always consider running all the tests by
mvn clean install
- Test classes with naming pattern _IntegrationTest or _StrutsTest are integration tests, excluding these all are unit tests in application module.
Also see Application Module & Integration Tests.
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