Maven Acceptance Tests

Maven Acceptance Tests

Acceptance tests

  • All acceptance test are run on the ci server. With upcoming changes noted in http://mifosforge.jira.com/browse/MIFOSTEST-668 the first stage on the ci server will run the "smoke" group of test to ensure the application is up and running. A second stage will execute all acceptance tests.
  • For developers, the default group of acceptance tests is the "smoke" group. This group only consists of 5 tests that do the following tasks:

Test class: org.mifos.test.acceptance.client.ClientTest

Test class: org.mifos.test.acceptance.group.GroupTest

Test class: org.mifos.test.acceptance.savings.CreateSavingsAccountTest

Test class: org.mifos.test.acceptance.loan.CreateClientLoanAccountTest

Test class: org.mifos.test.acceptance.search.SearchAccountTest

  • This small group of tests speeds up the developer build. However, if you have risky changes to commit, please

Running from the command line

  • The smoke group of acceptance test are run as part of mvn clean install
  • To run all acceptance tests, cd to the acceptance tests directory and run mvn clean test. See Running Acceptance Tests from more detailed instructions.
  • To run a single group of tests, e.g. loanproduct: mvn integration-test -Dgroups=loanproduct

Developing Acceptance Tests