Document Mifos EC2 Setup

Document Mifos EC2 Setup


Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a web service that can host a developer instance or production deployment of Mifos. There are some specific steps required to set up EC2 which could be documented to assist future setups.

Status - Available

A preliminary (yet complete) attempt is at: Install Mifos on an Amazon EC2 instance


Please email the mifos-developer list if you are interested in helping on this project.


Jeff Brewster

Current Volunteer(s)

krishnan Mani

Time Estimate

(Will be added once we've discussed the form this should take)

Prerequisite experience

Technical writing, some familiarity with Mifos and Amazon EC2, and some technical experience with installing software


We have customer and developers interested in using Amazon's web service offering Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). With a documented procedure to follow, we could ensure a simple and repeatable process is available for new developers or customers.

Current Progress

See Install Mifos on an Amazon EC2 instance
