Develop CSS Framework Strategy
We need a CSS expert to help us! By making better use of CSS we should be able to simplify our HTML pages (removing hard coded layout). By using a CSS framework, we should be able to simplify the CSS layout and make the pages render more consistently across browsers.
Please email the mifos-developer list if you are interested in helping on this project.
Van Mittal-Henkle
Current Volunteer(s)
Time Estimate
Depends on experience and the approach decided upon. It could be 1-2 weeks of work.
Prerequisite experience
Familiarity with HTML, CSS, Blueprint (or other CSS framewoks)
The goal of this project is to produce a prototype of how the Mifos user interface could be constructed using lighter weight HTML with CSS formatting. In the current Mifos code there is more information coded into the html pages than there needs to be. By using CSS formatting appropriately, the HTML should be able to be much simpler and cleaner than it is.
When using CSS for formatting there can be differences in rendering from browser to browser. In order to simplify the CSS layout and keep rendering consistent across browsers a CSS framework such as Blueprint could be useful.
We would like to see a prototype of several Mifos screens put together using simple HTML, CSS and a CSS framework. Some initial investigation suggested that Blueprint could be a good choice for a CSS framework, but if there are complelling reasons to choose another framework over Blueprint, we'd like to hear them and be convinced that there is a better choice.
The prototype we describe here would be a UI only prototype, not hooked up to any backend behavior, but just providing a way to navigate between 3 or 4 screens. These screens could be along the lines of the login page, home page and a loan detail page.
See also: Prototype Mifos with a CSS Framework
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