Translate Mifos Documentation

Translate Mifos Documentation


We've got a brand new user manual on FLOSS Manuals and we need your help translating it into Spanish, French, Chinese, and Portuguese so we can reach those MFIs around the world!


  • Spanish: Julio Martinez, Julie Wilchins
  • Chinese: Available
  • French: Available
  • Portuguese: Available


Please email the mifos-users list if you are interested in helping on this project.


Ed Cable

Current Volunteer(s)

Time Estimate


Prerequisite experience

Familiarity with both financial and technical terms, as well as fluency in the language you are translating into.


Most of our documentation is currently only available in English - we'd like to have these translated (especially the Installation Guide and User Manuals) into other languages so that we can reach those communities!


NOTE: Translation must be done in Firefox Web Browser to preserve formatting of user manual.