Security Requirements
Security Requirements
Status - In Progress (almost complete)
Please email the mifos-developer list if you are interested in helping on this project.
Provide user-focused (deployment-related) security recommendations for Mifos as well as developer-focused (architecture-related) recommendations.
Time Estimate
~120 total hours, project can be done in steps.
Prerequisite experience
- Strong background in securing software and corporate infrastructure required.
- Experience with Java and web applications preferred.
A security expert is needed to come up with a bulletproof security story for Mifos. How should Mifos be deployed and used securely? How should Mifos behave to be considered a secure, trustable banking application?
- Provide high-level security recommendations directed towards Mifos specialists. Examples: SSL, VPN, biometrics.
- Provide low-level security recommendations for Mifos from an architecture perspective. Examples: How should passwords be stored?
- Read the Developer Kick Start page for information on contributing and getting set up. Follow the steps under
- Introduce yourself to the community - http://www.mifos.org/developers/listserv/mailing-lists
- Fill out the Contributor Agreement
- Set up your machine for development:
, multiple selections available,