Savings Sanity Testing

Savings Sanity Testing

This page contains Sanity Testing Checklist for Savings.

Savings Products


archive #1483

Michał S


archive #1487



Check "View Savings products" link on Admin page



Verify that Savings products names on "View Savings products" page are links and sending to product information page



Verify that Inactive Savings products are signed on "View Savings products" page



Check 'Define a new Savings product' link on 'View Savings products' page



Check 'Edit Savings product information' and 'View change log' links on 'Savings products details' page



Check "Define new Savings product" link on Admin page



Check if validation text appears when click on Preview without filling mandatory field


Create new Savings product applicable for Clients



Create new Savings product applicable for Groups



Create new Savings product applicable for Centers



Check if all fields, buttons and dropdowns work and are displayed properly on 'Enter Savings product information' page


Mandatory and Voluntary fields are mixed up

Verify that button 'Edit Savings product information' work properly and there is ability to edit Savings product information



Verify that link 'View Savings product details now' and 'Define new Savings product' on
'You have successfully add a new Savings Product' page work properly



Verify that option 'Applicable for' work properly and product is applicable only for selected users



Verify daily saving products. (new feature form release K)(tick)(tick) 

Savings Account


archive #1483

Michał S


archive #1487



Check 'Open new Savings Account' link on sidebar 'Quick Start' on 'Home' page



Check 'Create Savings Account' link on 'Clients & Accounts Tasks' sidebar on 'Clients & Accounts' page



Verify that 'Savings' link on 'Client information' page work properly and 'Edit Savings account information' on
'Preview Savings account information' page work properly



Check if 'View Savings account details now' link on 'You have successfully created a new Savings account' page work properly



Check if links 'Open new Savings account' work properly on
'You have successfully created a new Savings account' page         



Verify that link 'Edit account status' work properly



Verify that 'Edit status' button on 'Confirm status change' page work properly



Verify that links 'View additional information', 'View transaction history', 'View change log', 'View status history',
'Add a note', 'See all notes' and 'Attach a question group' work properly


Check if link 'Edit account information' work properly



Verify that 'Apply transfer' link on Account information page work properly


Check if 'Edit transaction' button work properly on 'Review transaction' page



Verify that 'Make deposit/withdrawal' and 'Apply adjustment' and links on 'Account informations' page work properly


Make a deposit/withdrawal



Check 'View deposit due details' and 'View all account activity' links



Check 'Make deposit/withdrawal' and 'Apply adjustment' links on Deposit due details page

(tick)(tick)FIXED: Page Expired exception

Check 'Waive' link on Deposit due details page


FIXED: Page Expired exception

Check 'Attach a Question Group' link on Question Groups section.
Does name of chosen question group appears on account details page?



Check if name of chosen Question Group is linked to Question Group details page



Check if 'Edit' link on Question Group details page work properly



Verify that 'Close account' link on Account details page work properly



Verify that closed account is under 'View all closed accounts' link on Client details page



Verify 'Improve permissions for the ability to transfer funds from one account to another' (MIFOS-5671)   
Verify 'No validation message appears when trying to make transfer from savings for amount bigger than Max amount per withdrawal' (MIFOS-5743)   
Verify daily savings accounts