Reports Sanity Testing

Reports Sanity Testing

This page contains Reports Testing Checklist.



Verify that 'Reports' page is displayed properly


Check all BIRT reports (layout of parameters window, buttons are clickable, report is generated properly)


Check logs if there are no stack traces related to BIRT reports


Run Mifos on database with different name than 'mifos' and check if reports work correctly


Verify integrated Pentaho reports (check if all parameters can be selected, validation works correctly, report can be generated as pdf, html, xls etc., verify layout of every report)


Verify that logo is present on all reports


Run normal Mifos war under Tomcat 7 and verify that integrated Pentaho reports works correctly


Run CF Mifos war under Tomcat 7 & Tomcat 6 and verify that integrated Pentaho reports works correctly


Verify that Reports display proper data instead of zeros. Run Pentaho on Tomcat and compare information in reports generated in Mifos with those generated in Pentaho. 
Checkif ETL works properly (MIFOS-5830, MIFOS-5825) 
Check if status of new ETL Batch job is properly changed after batch job fails.(MIFOS-5829) 
Verify if there are proper validation messages when second database is not configured. 
Check if there is a date of last Data Warehouse update (MIFOS-5828) 
Verify that Pentaho reports are allowed to generate when Center hierarchy is off (MIFOS-5801) 
Verify that there is possibility to generate reports Closed Loans and others (MIFOS-5810) 
Verify that it is possible to generate Loans Pending Approval with valid data. (MIFOS-5816, MIFOS-5802) 
Verify that Balance Outstanding report can be generated after selecting branch. (MIFOS-5795) 
Verify that it is possible to generate embedded Loan Officer Detailed report after selecting Branch (MIFOS-5796)