Mifos X Developer Meetings

Mifos X Developer Meetings


This page will be replaced by Developer Meeting.


These open developer meetings will be held bi-weekly on Thursdays at 13:00 GMT. Use this tool to convert to your time zone.


Anyone who is working on the development of Mifos X or interested in developing Mifos X is welcome to attend this technical discussion to ask questions or simply observe and hear what's currently being worked on. 


The format and content of these meetings will change over time. Our goal is to provide a known time in which developers can interact in real time to discuss current development and to coordinate, ask, and answer any questions. As we make the shift towards community-wide development on the new Mifos X platform in 2013, these meetings are a vital way to stay involved. Some meetings will have formal topics that we will cover and announce beforehand.  This meeting will be an opportunity for any community members to demo and showcase projects they're working on.  It will always be an open forum for anyone to come and ask question they have relevant to Mifos development. 

Notes from each meeting will be posted in this section on the wiki.


How to Join

Web Meeting - GoToTraining


  • You can join via your computer headset and speaker directly through the WebMeeting.
  • Alternatively you can call into the following United States Conference #: +1 (408) 418-9002 | Access Code: 756-813-011
  • If you have difficulties joining, please ping directly on Skype Vishwas Babu at vishwasbabu. 


  • We use the #mifos IRC channel on freenode.net for discussion during the meeting. 


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