Mifos X User Meetups

Mifos X User Meetups


These open user meetings will be held every other week on Thursdays at 3:30pm GMT.  Use this tool to convert to your time zone.


Everyone. Anyone who is currently using or implementing Mifos is encouraged to attend these calls. It will be a forum to discuss challenges with your implementation, share feedback about the product, and provide advice to fellow users. 


Our goal is to provide a regular time in which users can interact with fellow implementers and have a more active conversation than the mailing list can provide.  Users can discuss challenges they've faced implementing Mifos - this could range from a configuration question to a project management question on up to dealing with change management.

Users can express features they would like to see in the product and ways to better get support from the community. Some meetings we will have formal tutorials to describe new features or instruct on how to do common tasks.   

Essentially it's an open time to get help with anything regarding implementing and using Mifos. Think of it as your chance to learn Mifos and our chance to learn about you. On each call we'll have an experienced Mifos implementer available to answer questions.  We highly encourage new users to join this call to introduce yourselves and get help. We also encouraged experience implementers to join the calls to share your knowledge. 

We want this meeting to help address two challenges in the community - 1) helping users overcome challenges implementing and using Mifos by sharing their experiences with fellow users and 2) helping community developers understand user needs and product requirements by establishing a more direct connection. 

Notes from each meeting will be posted in this section on the wiki.


How to Join

Web Meeting - GoToTraining

Known issue that Linux users can't join the webmeeting - please call into the below number, for audio.


  • You can join via your computer headset and speaker directly through the WebMeeting.
  • Alternatively you can call into the following United States Conference #: +1 (484) 589-1016 | Access Code: 639-370-462
  • If you have difficulties joining, please ping directly on Skype Ed Cable at edcable

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