June 15 Weekly Check-In Meeting

June 15 Weekly Check-In Meeting




  • Discuss  progress of projects and identify any blockers

Discussion items

40 minCheck-insEveryone



For each student please create a new Level 2 entry and enter the following. 

  • What did you accomplish this past week?
  • What will you do this upcoming week?
  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?
  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Dylan Robson

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

Researching/reproducing FINERACT-722 and FINERACT-723 about failing integration tests on first of month and when non-default time zones.
I took time to match the TravisCI build process so I could narrow down exactly which tests were the problem. I developed a strict process to recreate the test failures that included dropping and recreating the DB and restarting my computer before each trial.
I saved with extensive details each test result directory and titled it with several variables I was testing such as system TZ, system time, system date, $TZ env var, whether run through IDEA or shell, whether it was only the failing test that ran or the entire suite, pass/fail, trial number, etc.
Lots, and lots, and lots of screenshots, debugging, file diffing of serialized JSON objects to try to track down why the issue was happening.
Debugging the full integration test suite was slow because I have to run the entire integration test suite (30+ minutes), and the attached debugger makes it even slower.
I also tried to simply print to console when I could to avoid the added debugger time.
Since this was rather long process, I compared logs, read/explored relevant source code, and moved into further research of FIN-723 to find areas where MySQL date/time functions are used. (This is problematic because it doesn't consider tenant TZ).
I went from bottom to top, console printing variables and debugging to understand the control flow, all the way from these 2 integration tests to the ReadRepo/Service classes and I'm now looking at the WriteRepo/Service classes.
I found that the interestDue for a rescheduled loan was incorrect because daysInPeriod was off. Tracing that I found it was because dueDate was off on the first of the month.
I am still trying to find what causes dueDate to be incorrectly set.

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

Review a suggestion made to my FINERACT-609 PR and update the PR.

Find and fix FINERACT-722 bug that causes these tests to fail.

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

Understanding why running the full test suite causes these 2 tests to fail on the first of the month, but when I run only these 2 tests, they pass every time.

It's "dirtying" the DB somehow but I'm not sure exactly which of the other over 300 test causes it or why.

And finding the root cause of the incorrect dueDate on first of the month.

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Yes (See action item below).

I have yet to reach out because I felt like I've been a bit on a wild goose chase as it sometimes is with debugging and I didn't know exactly what to ask because I needed to find the problem in the logs/debugger first myself.

  • Action Items:

Concisely summarize my progress/findings so far and ask mentors a couple guided questions this weekend.

Abhay Chawla

  • What did you accomplish this past week?
    • Loan products component (list to view all).
    • Implement mat-stepper for create loan products. (consuming too much time due to the presence of a lot of conditional fields and tables to display data)
    • Implement view component. (reuse it as preview component)
  • What will you do this upcoming week?
    • Optimize and complete the implementation of create loan products and create an edit loan product component.
    • Proceed with savings products components.
  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?
    • Travis builds taking longer than 10 minutes are failing. Working with Jivjyot Si