August 16 Weekly Summer Intern Check-In


Aug 16, 2024


Discuss progress of projects and identify any blockers



Discussion items



45 minutes

updates & blockers



For each student please create a new Level 2 entry and enter the following. 

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Google Summer of Code

Aditya Gupta

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Completed jetpack compose, modularized android app then jetpack compose navigation

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

    • Reseearch for SDK migration - will start upgrading SDK

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Pushpendra Kumar

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Now micro-frontend web app is working fine and we will conclude this as version 1.

    • Now we need to include the shield project and use the federations.

    • We are almost done with the project.

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

    • We will include the shield project.

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

    • Nothing

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task?

    • No

Pratyush Singh

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Making a breakthrough with IOS implementation

    • What is coming next - how to make IOS integration happen end to end - will share that doc with Rajan -


  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Shubham Pal

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Scaled the chatbot for multiple Github Repositories and deployment in HuggingFace.

    • Prompt engineering to fix the input to the bot.

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

    • Deployment in HuggingFace for all bots.

    • Documentation for usage of the bot.

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

    • None

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

    • No

Parth Kaushal

  • What did you accomplish this past week?
    Completed the frontend-backend integration, shifted to a dark mode type version (Looks cooler)

  • What will you do this upcoming week?
    A few tweaks (changing the date format from numerical based to string based, removing one column). This would require me to train
    and save all the models again along with making the necessary frontend changes, so would take up some time.

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task?

Avneet Singh

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Akshat Sharma

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Git analysis, code optimization and transitioning decision model into random forest

    • Documentation and working on github gist

    • Jeremy approved his work and project has been complete

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Vikash Prem Sharma

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Worked with Alberto to address doubts/issues related to project. Can now successfully run application and fix stylings and translations

    • Made PR to integrate application with micro-frontend

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

    • No blockers

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Aditya Kumdale

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task?

Zeyad Nasef

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • I have entered a meeting with MR. Alex and add the new required changes for the new commands’ execution flow.

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

    • Will work on finishing the structure and seek for review for any further changes.

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

    • No

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

    • I will if needed. Thanks!

Omar Nabil

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Finished bulk import phase, style and translation

    • Working on some styles to add to components - will w

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Code for GovTech

Abhinav Kumar

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Dipan Dhali

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Started working on back-end - basic API implementation completed for G2P implementation

    • Implementing API of the front-end

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task?

Yash Sharma

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Logic for multiple deployments using operator.

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

    • Will work on multiple deployments and the tests.

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

    • With Tom out this upcoming week, will need some validations -

Palak Mishra

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Akash Meruva

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • Learnt About Compose MultiPlatform Setup

  • Setup Biometric Authentication in Both Android and Ios

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • Setup Biometric Authentication in Both Android and Ios

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • none

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

  • no

Devesh Pandey

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Ingress of PH-EE. Successful in mapping APIs correctly.

    • Most of the APIs are working properly except some on Submit side.

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

    • None

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Ratnesh Mishra

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Working on fix for missing AMS mifos pod, ingress ports missing for Gazelle

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

    • Integrating in single file and pushing to repository -

    • Will then run postman collections and operations web UI to identify and fix any errors.

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 



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