Sept 6 Weekly Summer Intern Check-In


Sep 6, 2024


Discuss progress of projects and identify any blockers

  • David Higgins

  • Akash Meruva

  • Ratnesh Mishra

  • Yash Sharma

  • Devesh Kumar

  • Zeyad Nasef

  • Vikash

  • Dipan Dhali

  • Parth Kaushal

  • Shubham Pal

  • Rahul Goel


Discussion items



45 minutes

updates & blockers



For each student please create a new Level 2 entry and enter the following. 

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Google Summer of Code

Aditya Gupta

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Pushpendra Kumar

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Worked on final report. Still addressing environment variable issue with

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task?

Pratyush Singh

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Shubham Pal

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • On Huginface platform for right now - have ability to embed into website

    • have created detailed report - one key improvement is to boost chatbots performance

    • Will be preparing presentation slides for upcoming

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Parth Kaushal

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Thinking more broadly about what will work on post-GSOC

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Avneet Singh

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Akshat Sharma

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Submitted project on GSOC website and now working on blog post.

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Vikash Prem Sharma

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Aditya Kumdale

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task?

Zeyad Nasef

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Finished PRs, documenation and GSOC report

    • Some comments from Aleks on his PR that will resolve - questions that Aleks will respond - awaiting reply

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Omar Nabil

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Code for GovTech

Akash Meruva

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • Intialized setup for compose multiplatform Libarry

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • Will complete integrating this into all mifos mobile projects

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • none

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

  • no

Abhinav Kumar

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Wrapping up everything and integrating the left-out services in the helm/infra layer of the GAZELLE repo.

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

    • Documentation of all my progress in the past 3 months under DMP will be helpful for upcoming contributors and fixing the left-out things, if any.

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Dipan Dhali

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Account mapper - on front-end and back-end

      • API call with filters data on bank institution code

      • Front-end - depending on user type implemented this account mapper filter.

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task?

Yash Sharma

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Configured remaining components in operator

    • Working on documentation

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

    • Add circle ci pipeline to the operator

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Palak Mishra

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Devesh Pandey

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Writing docs with description on how to run Jmeter testing for PH-EE endpoints.

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

    • Will now do a demo of that.

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Ratnesh Mishra

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

    • Set up so everything so work together in an integrated manner.

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 



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