Account Number Preferences

Account Number Preferences

Account number preferences are used to describe custom formats for account numbers associated with Client, Loan and Savings accounts. This enables an organization to easily categorize or differentiate just by account number with respect to the prefixed Office name, Type or by product short name respectively. 

On this page:

Step 1: 

Beginning at the main screen, select Admin, then System from the drop-down menu. This will launch the System menu.

Select Account Number Preferences.


This will launch the Account Number Preferences page as shown below:

Step 2:

To start adding preferences, Click on   

Creating Preferences for Client Account Number

For Client (Select Account Type), Prefix can be added for: "Client Type" & "Office Name" (Select Prefix Field) then click on submit.


Prefix Field as "CLIENT_TYPE" - Depending upon the organization needs, client can be categorized using Client type in Mifos.



Step 3: 

To define the Client type's :

Go to Admin>>System>>Manage Codes>>ClientType>> then Add Code Values.

Step 4:

While creating a client, defined Client types will be available for selection. 


Here for example,

Client: Anna White's client type is "General" The client account number is generated as "General0000000010" instead of "0000000010"





Prefix Field as "Office Name" - Office name will be prefixed for Loan account number

For Example - 

Client a): Daniel Fernandes associated office is "Church street BO -" The client account number will be generated as "Church street BO -0000000009" instead of "0000000009"

Client b): John Smith associated office is "11th street BO -" The client account number will be generated as "11th street BO -0000000008" instead of "0000000008"

Creating Preferences for Loan Account Number

In the same way, Prefix can be added

  • For Loan (Select Account Type), :

          "Loan Product Short Name" - Loan product short name will be prefixed for Loan account number. 

          & "Office Name" - Office name will be prefixed for Loan account number (Select Prefix Field)  then click on submit.

Creating Preferences for Savings Account Number

In the same way, Prefix can be added

  • For Savings (Select Account Type), :

         "Savings Product Short Name" - Savings product short name will be prefixed for savings account number. 

         & "Office Name" - Office name will be prefixed for Savings account number (Select Prefix Field) then click on submit.

Note: One can only configure one prefix for each account type with respect to the Client, Loan & Savings