Tranche Loan Fields

Tranche Loan Fields

Loan Product Fields—Additional Fields for Tranche Loans

A loan product of this type may be used to cover a situation, like construction, where the borrower is making progressive payments up to the total principal amount approved for the loan account. In the example in the table below, up to 5 disbursements may be made to a total outstanding balance of 1000 (in the loan currency). When a loan account is opened, the actual number of disbursements and its maximum outstanding balance (up to a maximum of 1000) will be fixed.

Field Name (attribute)DescriptionExampleValidations (if applicable)
Maximum Tranche count

The maximum number of disbursements allowed for a loan account.

5Numeric field

Maximum allowed outstanding balance

The maximum outstanding loan account balance allowed at a point in time.

1000Numeric field (assumes the loan product currency applies)