How to Add/Remove/Modify a Guarantor to a Loan Account

How to Add/Remove/Modify a Guarantor to a Loan Account

One or more guarantors can be added to a loan account application when it is Pending Approved or Approved. Guarantors may be but are not required to be clients.

Adding a guarantor to a loan account application does not affect the loan account application's status.

On this page:

To add a guarantor who is an existing client to a loan account application 

When viewing a loan account, click More on the action bar and select Guarantor .

  1. Check the Existing Client box.
  2. Start typing the client's name in the name field.
    Candidate client names will appear in a list.
  3. Click to select the client in the list who is the guarantor.
     The client details (Name, ID, Office, Activation Date) will display.
  4. Select Relationship from the list.
  5. Click Submit.

The guarantor will be added to the loan account application.

To add an external guarantor to a loan account application

When viewing a loan account, click More on the action bar and select Guarantor.

  1. Uncheck the Existing Client box.
  2. Select Relationship from the list.
  3. Type the guarantor's First name (required).
  4. Type the guarantor's Last name (required).
  5. Select the guarantor's date of birth (DOB) from the calendar pop-up.
    The date format is dd mm yyyy.

  6. Type the guarantor's Address using one or two lines as necessary.

  7. Type the guarantor's City.

  8. Type the guarantor's Zip code.

  9. Type the guarantor's Mobile phone number.

  10. Type the guarantor's Residence phone number. 

  11. Click Submit.

The guarantor will be added to the loan account application.

To remove a guarantor from a loan account.

When viewing a loan account that has one or more guarantors, click the Guarantor Details tab.

  1. Click the trashcan next to the guarantor to delete.
  2. Click Confirm.

The guarantor will be removed from the loan account application.

To update guarantor details (external guarantor).

When viewing a loan account that has one or more guarantors, click the Guarantor Details tab.

  1. Click the notepad (blue) next to the guarantor to update.
  2. Make any desired changes.
  3. Click Submit.

The guarantor's details will be updated.

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