How to Make Repayments on a Group Loan Account

How to Make Repayments on a Group Loan Account

This section describes the steps to record a repayment on a loan account that is held by a group. The following methods are available:

  • collection sheet 
  • repayment via cash or similar payment type

For repayments of client loan accounts see How to Make Repayments on a Client Loan Account.

On this page:

To make a repayment using the collection sheet (and productive collection sheet)

** UNDER CONSTRUCTION—The collection sheet is a way to create bulk transactions for repayment of loans. Collection sheets ...***

To make a repayment using cash or similar payment type

Locate the loan account by navigating to it through the group that holds the loan account.

  1. Select Make Repayment from the action bar.
  2. Accept the default Transaction date or select a different date from the calendar pop-up.
  3. Accept the default Transaction amount or type a different repayment amount.
  4. Select Payment type from the list.
  5. Click + to add payment details (optional).
    1. Account#
    2. Check#
    3. Routing code
    4. Receipt#
    5. Bank#
  6. Type relevant notes.
  7. Click Submit.

The loan account repayment will be recorded and the repayment schedule and loan summary will be updated with the payment information.

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