Mifos Localization Stories
Mifos Localization Stories
This page is intended to be a place where we can gather information related to the localization effort in terms of stories to implement. At first we can add high level stories that will need to be broken down as we go along. This (or a subtopic) can be a place to gather technical details related to the effort too.
Related Documents
- LocalizationTechnicalDetails
Open Questions
- should date display format be set globally at the application level or should it be determined by the locale chosen by the user?
- should number display format be set globally at the application level or should it be determined by the locale chosen by the user?
Not prioritized for 1.1:
- handling strings in the database (Question: what does this mean?)
:depth: 2
A user who chooses a Spanish locale will view all text in Mifos in Spanish
- This story is for Adelante
A user who chooses a French locale will view all text in Mifos in French
- This story is for ENDA
Currency type and format can be configured for the entire application
- When a currency type and format has been configured for the application, all users (regardless of the locale they have chosen) will see currency amounts displayed in the format that has been configured for the application
How money and interest are implemented in Mifos now
- Money and interest users' inputs allow only decimal separator, dot '.' for English locale and ',' for French locale...and numbers.
- Money digits are configured in the application configuration, 7 digits before decimal separator and 1 after.
- AccountingRules.DigitsBeforeDecimal=7 // for money, this was just added for the I18n 117 story, had been hard-coded before
- AccountingRules.DigitsAfterDecimal=1 // for money, this was added for the configuration Accounting Rule story
- Money is stored in the database in the form of Decimal(10, 3), meaning total digits is 10 and 3 digits after decimal point, so the digits before is 7.
- Interest digits are configured in the application configuration, 10 digits before decimal separator and 5 after.
- AccountingRules.DigitsBeforeDecimalForInterest=10 // had been hard-coded before, had been hard-coded before
- AccountingRules.DigitsAfterDecimalForInterest=5 // this was just added for the I18n 117 story,had been hard-coded before
- Interest is stored in the database in the form of Decimal(13, 10), meaning total digits is 13 and 10 digits after decimal point so the digits before is 3.
- The max interest and min interest are configured as AccountingRules.MaxInterest=999, AccountingRules.MinInterest=0
- Fee rate is still hard-coded and the format is 3.5 (3 digits before and 5 after)
- Fee rate is defined in database as Decimal(16, 5)
- The decimal separator is conformed to the configured locale. For example, the configured locale is English the decimal separator will be dot '.'.
- For interest the number of digits before should be 3 because of the contraint of what is defined in database?
- Please define or confirm other rules.
, multiple selections available,