Al Majmoua Bugs and Enhancements
Al Majmoua Bugs and Enhancements
Our new deployment, Al Majmoua in Beirut, would like to see these bugs and enhancements fixed in Mifos. These would save a lot of time and effort as they aim to serve more clients in Lebanon. Al Majmoua currently has 16,000 clients.
Status - In Progress
Jakub has fixed a majority of the bugs but there are still some outstanding.
Please email the mifos-developer list if you are interested in helping on this project.
Current Volunteer(s)
Time Estimate
1 hour to familiarize with Mifos, our issue tracker, etc. Then fix bugs and submit patches as you have time!
Prerequisite experience
Java and JSP development, Web browser technology.
We have several bugs and enhancements that Al Majmoua could see fixed in Mifos. Please see below for this list.
- Read the Developer Kick Start page for information on contributing and getting set up. Follow the steps under
- Introduce yourself to the community - Mailing Lists
- Fill out the Contributor Agreement
- Set up your machine for development:
- Read how to submit patches
- Choose an issue from this list
- Write a Selenium based test that demonstrates the bug (see Writing Acceptance Tests) and fails because of it.
- Fix the bug and make your test pass
- Submit your patch with the test and the fix
, multiple selections available,