Documentation Sprint - 09-06-2011
Documentation Sprint - 09-06-2011
- WHAT: Mifos Documentation Sprint
- WHEN: Kickoff: 2011-09-06, 0700 U.S. Pacific Daylight Time (GMT-7 ) - the sprint is happening on the 6th, but we'll keep jogging thru September 12th.
- WHERE: Minnesota State University, #mifos IRC chatroom, Skype Conference Room, AnyMeeting (webinar), and calls over VoIP as necessary
- WHO: Minnesota State University - Moorhead undergraduate students, Bharathi Ram, Edward Cable, and you, hopefully!
To participate you'll need a passion for poverty alleviation and basic text editing and proofreading skills.
For some of our more advanced tasks, translation skills and past documentation writing are needed.
Collaboration coordination
Getting Started
- Create an account on MifosForge to edit the wikihttp://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/display/MIFOS/FrontPage
- Add your contact information to the Sprinters Page## We need your MifosForge user name to give you proper editing privileges
- Browse List of Tasks (see spreadsheet and below)
- Attend Kick-off Webinar
- Free tool for taking screen captures - http://getgreenshot.org/
- Video Feed - to be added
- Existing Documentation
- User Manual -
- Demo Server - http://demo.mifos.org/mifos** User ID: mifos | Password: testmifos
- Learn more about Mifos:
- What is Mifos? - http://mifos.org/about/faq
- How is Mifos Used - http://mifos.org/about/how-mifos-used
- See it in Action - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0OGeRdluyU
- What does Mifos do? - http://mifos.org/node/236
Early queries from the sprint
Any questions from the sprint will go here.
Find yourself a task and list yourself as an owner or owners. When a task is complete, mark the corresponding cell "Done" in this spreadsheet
See also
, multiple selections available,