Task - Update Mifos Glossary with New Terms

Task - Update Mifos Glossary with New Terms


Since the glossary was last updated, we've added a few new features which might contain some unfamiliar terms.  The glossary serves as a reference tool for users to understand the UI but also for translators who are creating and maintaining translations of the Mifos user interface.

The glossary we're keeping up to date is located at: http://translatewiki.net/wiki/Translating:Mifos#Mifos_Glossary


  • Browse through list of terms to be translated
  • Identify definition for the term
    • For Mifos-specific terms, this might be found in the functional specification or another piece of documentation like the user manual outlining the term
    • For microfinance-specific terms, a general definition you find on google will suffice.
    • Google searches will probably be helpful for both types of queries. 
  • To update the glossary simply, click edit on the glossary wiki page - http://translatewiki.net/wiki/Translating:Mifos#Mifos_Glossary

New Terms to Define




Tyler Anderson