3.14.2012 Developer Meeting
3.14.2012 Developer Meeting
On the Call
- Ed
- Jakub
- Kakha
From: http://typewith.me/p/mifos-dev-3-14-2012
On the Call:
- Ed
- Jakub
- Kakha
Margaret H Release Update:
- Release candidate is out, in code freeze.
- Found 1 blocking issues - issue when two loans with different currencies can't view clients.
- Lukasz verifying other issues blocking the release - tomorrow or Friday would be the release.
2.3.1 - End of March
- Additional tickets that didn't make it into Margaret H
- 2 tickets for Kakha
- Multi-option for loans and
- Historical transactions
Upcoming Roadmap
- Meeting on Thursday to finalize based on several sessions of applying MoSCoW ranking to current backlog of feature requests.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MoSCoW_Method
Google Summer of Code:
- http://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/display/RES/Google+Summer+of+Code+2012+Ideas\
- Will hear back about our mentor org application this Friday
- Import Questions
- No current plan to import transactions via a spreadsheet - already such functionality with M-Pesa or AudiBank plugins
- Functionality to upload client data is in Margaret H release
- Plans to add new clients/accounts.
Offline Data Collection
- 3 Main Modules
- Data Upload: Use infrastructure for data import and tie it together in one nice interface - a common workbook with multiple sheets - one for clients, loans, savings, etc.
- Data Download: Have existing infrastructure - Pentaho BI - can download infromation into nicely formatted Excel workbook which can be used by client in the field.
- Data Entry: No agreement on this right now - some want Chrome client, webpage-based, spreadsheet-based.
- For each implementation, project can make decision on data entry - develop small piece of code that connects with the general data upload and download facilities.
- If the data upload and download modules are flexible, each ODC project can make decision about how they would like to organize data entry.
- Jakub: Question is do we have such REST APIs in place.
- 2 modules of the 3 are more or less done
Mifos ACC
- Proof of Concept: Hugo did it as integrated part of Mifos, not as a plug-in.
- Week or Two - participationg in this meeting would be very useful - review this proof of concept.
- Ed pulling together documentation tasks
- Jakub: Lukasz already has member of QA team working on that
- Actoin: Ed to send an email to Lukasz about work his QA team is doing to coordinate efforts.
, multiple selections available,