June 28 GSOC Weekly Check-In Meeting notes
June 28 GSOC Weekly Check-In Meeting notes
- Discuss initial progress of projects and identify any blockers
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
40 min | Check-ins | Everyone |
For each student please create a new Level 2 entry and enter the following.
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
Dilpreet Singh
- What did you accomplish this past week?
Refracted Charges screen
Improved UI for all types of account
Fixed issue #320
Wrote tests for many presenters.
Configured travis for instrumentation tests.
Studied about JNI - What will you do this upcoming week?
Materialize app based on the meeting which will be happening today.
Add more tests for remaining presenters - What obstacles are impeding your progress?
None - Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
Gopala Krishna
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- Re designed the loan and savings pages
- Did some clean up on the reskin. PR: https://github.com/openMF/community-app/pull/2333
- Trying to implement some of the enhancements mentioned in the GitHub
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- Do the enhancements
- Start working on entity checks implementations
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- No Obstacles at the moment
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
- Nope I will contact if I face any blockers
Kumaranath Fernando
- What did you accomplish this past week?
-Create REST endpoints and template generation for Journal Entries,Guarantor.
-Resolved quite few merge conflicts due to automatically formatting of code. - What will you do this upcoming week?
-Create REST endpoints and template generation for GL accounts,Personnel. - What obstacles are impeding your progress?
-No impediments right now. - Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
Mohit Bajoria
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
Naman Dwivedi
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- Integrated APIs from RBL
-Completed on boarding flow
- Added invoice generation and user details screen - What will you do this upcoming week?
-Integrate fineract backend with existing features
-Write documentation for the project - What obstacles are impeding your progress?
-None - Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
Raunak Sett
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- Design App Mockups with Puneet
- Added Transfers feature
- Suppourt for Multiple languages
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- Loan Application Apply
- Third Party Transfers
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- None
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
- None
Tarun Mudgal
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- Created own view for user to make signature on screen and then create JPEG file
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- Add the view to the project and the related screens and implement the upload signature.
- Hopefully the above would take like 1-2 days at max. Will start with the collection sheets after that.
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- None
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
- Nope
Vladimir Fomene
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
Courage Angeh
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- Finalized the implementation details with mentor https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZK5Byyy_mDmYqOHI9_0Ft39LXjZqJ_y87p5gVy3fFHE/edit?usp=sharing
- Added updates on the model based on mentor's feedback
- Completed user subscription to topic
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- Topics creation per entity
- Complete left over work on the service layer
- Migration scripts for topic and topic_subscriber table.
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- No
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
- No
Alex Ivanov
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- Added support for 2fa login in the community-app
- setup an external Fineract instance with 2fa for testing
- added support for 2fa for oauth
- allow building Fineact with 2fa enabled
- Implemented two-factor configration
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- 2fa configuration in the community-app
- test & fix caching issues for access tokens
- prepare for final submission of 2fa phase 1 for Fineract
- Try to finalise work on the community-app
- Start working on the android client
- Discuss any other extensions that could be made to the project
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- None
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
- At this stage I require only feedback. Suggestions for extensions to my project are welcome
Thisura Phillips
- What did you accomplish this past week?
I have fixed FINERACT-470 and the PR sent is merged at https://github.com/apache/fineract/pull/357
Sent the PR https://github.com/apache/fineract/pull/375/ fixing the issue with "Generic exceptions should never be thrown" for FINERACT-437
Researched on TOIF JLint Adapter and FindBug Adapter
- What will you do this upcoming week?
Complete and resolve FINERACT-437.
Start documenting the secure coding guidelines
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- Have being a bit slow in past few days due to illness. Will catchup the things quickly.
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
Nikhil Pawar
- What did you accomplish this past week?
Completed the implementation of Family Members module( both front end and back end) - What will you do this upcoming week?
I have to add enhancements suggested by community members in the family members module, would design and implement the same next week. - What obstacles are impeding your progress?
Waiting for Equifax details and review of design from mentors - Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
Required a review of family member module design for adding identifiers.
Sanyam Goel
- What did you accomplish this past week?
Created a Seperate swagger spring file for swagger configurations
- Retrieved sample Swagger data in JSON and YAML
- Applied annotations on 2 responses class of Client API
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- Complete swagger on client API.
- and also look for the alternative solution for POST method so that it can easily detected by swagger not by hardcoded way
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- No
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
- I'll contact Dhiru or Aleks if I face any other problems
Mayank Jindal
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- Built encryption library successfully after discussion with Ishan and Puneet. Now I am able to get SHA hash of any string.
- Integrated that library in the android-client app successfully. Now we can get SHA hash of any string in our android-client app.
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- I will work on implementing passcode feature in android-client. Since my library work is done so I can work on android code. After implementing this, I will start on collection sheet.
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- Nothing
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
- Require a review of my approach mentioned at https://github.com/openMF/android-client/issues/697
Action items
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