Aug 10 GSOC Weekly Check-In Meeting notes
Aug 10 GSOC Weekly Check-In Meeting notes
- Discuss progress of projects and identify any blockers
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
40 min | Check-ins | Everyone |
For each student please create a new Level 2 entry and enter the following.
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
Dilpreet Singh
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- Completed with the documentation work
- Refracted the JNI library in order to reduce its size
- Fixed crash due to vectors below api 21
- Fixed OutofMemory error due to large size of user image - What will you do this upcoming week?
- Start with instrumentation testing once my PR is reviewed and merged which contains base for Instrumentation testing.
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
None - Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
Gopala Krishna
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- Worked on Wizard Implementation and Entity Implementation was able to finish the work on the same
- Resolved the issue which was blocking the entity implementation
- Gather feedback of wizard from Pranjal and Gaurav and worked on the changes requested
- Had a look at the collection sheet UI user-manual and also the video that Ed pointed out to
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- Collection Sheet UI discussion
- Work on tasks in the github project list https://github.com/openMF/community-app/projects/3 - What obstacles are impeding your progress?
-none - Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
- I will ping them for more feedback for the wizard and entity implementations
- What will you do this upcoming week?
Kumaranath Fernando
- What did you accomplish this past week?
-Completed Office,Client,Chart Of Accounts Import after mentor review
-Logged PRs for Office,Client,Chart Of Accounts populate and import - What will you do this upcoming week?
- Create REST endpoints and implementations for populated and Import of Shared Accounts - What obstacles are impeding your progress?
-No, not at moment - Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
Mohit Bajoria
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
Naman Dwivedi
- What did you accomplish this past week?
Separated the fineract apis into a core wallet module
Added new user registration from modified self service api
Divided the project into 2 levels of clean architecture - What will you do this upcoming week?
Will implement self issuing a wallet according to specifications - What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
Nikhil Pawar
- What did you accomplish this past week?
Completed bulk creation of gsim and continued adding functionalities - What will you do this upcoming week?]
will follow up on Equifax sandbox access and keep adding required functionalities on gsim module. - What obstacles are impeding your progress?
none - Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
Raunak Sett
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- Discussed with nazeer for surveys framework
- Added Deposit and transfer buttons from savings account
- Added Repayment Schedule and more loan account details
- Added Make Payment Option in loan tab
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- Work on the Surveys framework after blocker is resolved
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- Surveys Blocker
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
Tarun Mudgal
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- Implemented the Client RunReports (the way they are implemented in the web-app) completely - all the three screens and sent PR for the same.So, I tried to implement in the best way possible; conforming to the implementation on the web-app.
- I've worked on the issues listed on the Github page - #658 and #732 and sent PR for the same.
- Also, worked on enhancing the efficacy in bandwidth perspective (while working on #658) as per Ishan's suggestion. I've noted some data related to the time and data taken by the network calls and concluded that the internet usages at several screens could be decreased by over 50% by avoiding redundant GET request calls.
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- Not exactly sure of the tasks but I'm in constant touch with Ishan and may work on this internet usage reduction feature (refactoring, in fact).
- I'll work on the listed issues on Github in case I'm assigned nothing.
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- None
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
- No
- No
Mayank Jindal
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- Worked on the offline search feature so that User can search for client, group, center, saving account and loan account in offline mode.
- Rajan suggested me to change calls for showing information of centers in offline mode. I have implemented that.
- Reported problems in client synchronization and group synchronization.
- Started work on resolving the issue related to client synchronization.
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- I will resolve issues related to client synchronization and group synchronization.
- I will complete work on offline search feature.
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- I am facing an error in implementation of the offline search feature. Rajan had suggested me the solution but that is also not working. I will try to resolve again.
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
- I am already in contact with my mentors. Thanks.
Vladimir Fomene
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
Courage Angeh
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
Alex Ivanov
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- Updated the project spec wiki page
- Added remember me support for two-factor authentication to the community-app
- Started working on an access token invalidation endpoint
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- Finish with the token invalidation endpoint
- Look at caching configuration in Fineract for 2fa
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- None
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
- None
Sanyam Goel
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- Swagger Completed on Accounting, batch, commands API's with testing and responses with enabled Swagger JSON mapped with Swagger UI
- Applied swagger on Account Number Format, Cache, Campaigns, Codes, configuration API's
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- Will complete the Sms, survey, security, report API's
- Mapped the swagger JSON to Swagger UI with HTTP mapping
- and will also check for the previous Api's with current documentation so that no part from the current documentation is missed.
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
- I'll contact my mentors if I face any other problem.
Thisura Phillips
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
Action items
, multiple selections available,
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