Integration with Accounting
If the loan product of a given loan has accounting enabled, then below is a matrix of support provided at present:
Portfolio: Loan Transaction Type | Cash Accounting | Accrual Accounting Type 1 (upfront interest recognition for loans not involving interest recalculation) |
Submit loan application | N/A | N/A |
Approve loan application | N/A | N/A |
Loan Disbursement - Fixed amount disbursed from MFI to Applicant
- Single transaction are created to represent disbursement
- Depending on loan product setting (default settings for now), transaction created to represent Interest applied
- If charges are due at disbursement, another transaction is auto created to represent their payment
- If charges that are not due at disbursement are present, another transaction is auto created to represent the "application" of this charge
- Only principal is accounted
- Charges paid during disbursal are accounted
- Principal is accounted
- Journal entries created for Interest Applied Transaction
- Charges paid during disbursal are accounted (no control accounts used, cash gets debited directly)
- Applied (expected) fees are accounted
- Applied (expected) penalties are accounted
Undo Disbursement - Any transaction that exists is reversed
- All journal entries created for this loan are reversed
- All journal entries created for this loan are reversed
Loan Repayment - Fixed amount repaid to MFI from Applicant on given date
- Amount broken down into principal/interest/fees/penalties
- Single transaction created
- Back-dated transaction allowed, these can affect the derived fields of other transactions.
- principal/interest/fees/penalties accounted for as configured
- Accounting handles side affect on other transactions (for backdated entries)
- principal/interest/fees/penalties accounted for as configured
- Accounting handles side affect on other transactions (for backdated entries)
Adjust Loan Repayment - Reverses original transaction
- Creates new transaction to represent new details
- Adjusting repayment can affect the derived fields of other transactions
- entries for original transaction reversed
- entries for new transaction created
- Accounting handles side affect on other transactions
- entries for original transaction reversed
- entries for new transaction created
- Accounting handles side affect on other transactions
Waive Interest - Transaction created to represent amount of interest being 'waived'
- Waiving interest in the past, can affect derived fields of other transactions
- No impact on cash based accounting if waiver is done in the future
- If waiver is done in the past, changes to derived fields of already paid installments are accounted for
- entries for interest waived
- If waiver is done in the past, changes to derived fields of already paid installments are accounted for
Write off - Transaction created to represent outstanding balance of loan being written off
- principal/interest/fees/penalties accounted for as configured
- principal/interest/fees/penalties accounted for as configured
Add Loan Charge - Adding charge in past would affect derived fields of other transactions
| N/A. No impact on accounting in regular workflow 
- If fee is applied in the past, changes to derived fields of already paid installments are accounted for
- If penalty is applied in the past, changes to derived fields of already paid installments are accounted for
- applying a fee creates appropriate journal entries
- applying a penalty creates appropriate journal entries
- If fee is applied in the past, changes to derived fields of already paid installments are accounted for
- If penalty is applied in the past, changes to derived fields of already paid installments are accounted for
Remove Loan Charge - Validations have been added to not allow removing loan charges once a loan is approved
| N/A. No impact on accounting | N/A. No impact on accounting |
Waive Loan Charge - Functionality has been changed to only allow waiving of charges after a loan has been disbursed
- Waiver works only if the charges is not already paid
- If the charge is partially paid, waiver waives only the unpaid amount
| N/A. No impact on cash based accounting | 
- entries for charges waived