Entity Data Table Checks

Entity Data Table Checks

Entity Data Table Check is a new feature added to check few Custom details during certain actions that need to be done by making use of Custom Data Tables. For instance you need to check the existing Bank Account of the client before the creation of client. Then you can create your own Custom Data Table with column Existing Bank Account and check the details before the creation of client.

On this page:

How to create Entity Data Table Checks

Step 1: From the main screen, click on Admin then Organization from the drop down list. This will launch the Organization menu. Select Entity Data Table Checks.

This will launch the Entity Data Table Checks page.

Step 2: Click the  button which will launch a pop-up box;

Field description 

Entity (mandatory)

This field describes which entity will undergo Entity Data Table Checks. Only four entities are supported with Entity Data Table Check and they are Client, Group, Loan and Saving Account.

Status (mandatory)This field describes when the specified entity should undergo Entity Data Table Checks. The status is not same for all entity and the statuses are create, approve, activate, write_off, withdrawn, rejected and close.
Data Table (mandatory)This field describes what need to be checked. These are custom data tables which are created in the manage table. Based on the Custom Data Table created, the additional screens are designed for the specified Entity during specified Status. All the columns given in the custom data table are displayed as fields in the additional screens created.
ProductThis field is enabled only for Loan and Saving Account entity. All the Loan Products are captured in the drop-down for Loan entity and all the Save product will be captured in the drop-down for Saving Account entity.
  • Any number of Entity Data Table Checks can be created for all the four entities.

Creating Client Entity Data Table 

Navigate to the Entity Data Table Checks page and then click the +Create Entity Data-Table Check button which will launch a pop-up box. Look through the previous section of this page to get details on how to navigate to the page.

From the Entity field, select Client from the drop-down menu.

For Client entity, only three statuses are provided. 

Drop-down valuesDescription
CREATEDuring the creation of Client, the Entity Data Table Checks are enabled
ACTIVATEDuring the activation of Client, the Entity Data Table Checks are enabled
CLOSEWhile closing the Client, the Entity Data Table Checks are enabled

The Data Tables which are created are captured in the Data Table drop-down.

To create a Custom Data Table, select Admin from the top of the screen and choose System from the drop-down menu. Select Manage Data Tables and click the +Create Data Table button. After creating a Data Table, you will find it listed in the Data Table drop-down menu:

For the created Entity Data Table Check, their respective pages are affected. For instance, an "Entity Data Table Check" for clients has been created for CREATE status. So the create client page consists of wizards as shown below. Here, two "Entity Data Table Checks" are created for create client via wizard i.e., Client Bank Details and Family Details. And their respective fields are created based on the data tables created in Manage Data Tables page.

>>Create Client

This is a create client screen with additional wizard consisting Client Bank Details and Family Details. Only CREATE status will consist of wizards. For other status, additional tabs will be created.

 After clicking on proceed, the current screen navigates to the next page. 

>>Create Client>> Create Bank Details

This is an additional wizard created for Client entity and CREATE status with Client Bank Details data table as custom data table. Bank Account Number and the Bank Branch are the columns created in this custom data table. After clicking on proceed the current screen navigates to the next page. 

>>Create Client>> Create Bank Details>> Family Details

This is an additional wizard created for Client entity and CREATE status with Family Details data table as custom data table. Members and the Occupation are the columns created in this custom data table. Only after completing all the wizard screens the page will allow you to submit the Application.

If you are not providing the required details (only if the field is mandatory) then an error message is shown.

Step 2.2: Creating Entity Data Table Checks for Group Entity

  • Group Entity has the following Status 

    Drop-down valuesDescription
    CREATEDuring the creation of Client, the Entity Data Table Checks are enabled
    ACTIVATEDuring the activation of Client, the Entity Data Table Checks are enabled
    CLOSE While closing the Client, the Entity Data Table Checks are enabled
  • The data tables which are created are captured in the data table drop-down.
  • To create custom data table navigate to Admin>>System>>Manage Data Tables>>Create Data Tables.

  • Instance 1: A data table has been created for the activation of a Group and the custom data table name is "Group Details". Wizard is not facilitated for status other than create. Hence in the screen below, we can see a tab named by "Group Details" with Add button. Clicking on the Add button will navigate to the Group Details page.

  •  As shown in the GroupDetails screen, the fields are captured based on the custom data table created by you.

  • If we are not provided the data to the custom data table based field and if we try to activate the Group, then an error message is shown as in the screen below.

Instance 2: A data table has been created for the Creation of Group and the custom data table name is "GroupBankDetails". Since the status is create the wizard come into picture. Hence in the screen below, we can see the wizard named by "GroupBankDetails" . 

As shown in the GroupBankDetails screen, the fields are captured based on the custom data table created by us.

Step 2.3: Creating Entity Data Table Checks for the Loan Entity

  • Loan Entity has 6 Statuses as that of Client. i.e.,

    Dropdown ValuesDescription


    During the creation of Loan the Entity Data Table Checks are enabled
    APPROVEDuring the Approval of Loan the Entity Data Table Checks are enabled
    ACTIVATEDuring the Activation of Loan the Entity Data Table Checks are enabled
    WITHDRAWNDuring the Withdrawal of Loan the Entity Data Table Checks are enabled
    REJECTEDDuring the Rejection of Loan the Entity Data Table Checks are enabled
    WRITE_OFFDuring the Write_off of Loan the Entity Data Table Checks are enabled

  • The data tables which are created are captured in the data table drop-down.
  • To create custom data table, navigate to Admin>>System>>Manage Data Tables>>Create Data Tables.
  • For loan entity an extra field is added i.e., Product. This field is visible only if the Loan products are already created. 

  • Instance 1: A data table has been created for approval of loan  and the custom data table name is "LoanDetails". Wizard is not facilitated for status other than create. Hence in the screen below, we can see a tab named by "LoanDetails" with Add button. Clicking on the Add button will navigate to the LoanDetails page.

  •  As shown in the LoanDetails screen, the fields are captured based on the custom data table created by us.

  • If we are not providing the data to the custom data table based field and if we try to approve the loan, then an error message is shown as in the screen below:

    Instance 2: A data table has been created for the creation of loan account and the custom data table name is "FamilyAnnualIncome". Since the status is create the wizard comes into picture. Hence in the screen below, we can see the wizard named by "FamilyAnnualIncome". 

    As shown in the FamilyAnnualIncome, the fields are captured based on the custom data table created by us.

Step 2.4: Creating Entity Data Table Checks for Saving Account entity

  • Saving Account Entity has 6 Statuses as that of Client. i.e.,

    Drop-down ValuesDescription


    During the creation of Saving Account the Entity Data Table Checks are enabled
    APPROVEDuring the Approval of Saving Account the Entity Data Table Checks are enabled
    ACTIVATEDuring the Activation of Saving Account the Entity Data Table Checks are enabled
    WITHDRAWNDuring the Withdrawal of Saving Account the Entity Data Table Checks are enabled
    REJECTEDDuring the Rejection of Saving Account the Entity Data Table Checks are enabled
    CLOSEWhile Closing the Saving Account the Entity Data Table Checks are enabled


  • The data tables which are created in the manage tables are captured in the data table drop-down.
  • To create custom data table navigate to Admin>>System>>Manage Data Tables>>Create Data Tables.
  • For loan entity an extra field is added i.e., Product. This field is visible only if the Saving products are already created. 
  • Instance 1: For an instance a data table has been created for activation for saving account and the custom data table name is "SavingDetails". Wizard is not facilitated for status other than create. Hence in the screen below, we can see a tab named by "SavingDetails" with Add button. Clicking on the Add button will navigate to the SavingDetails page.
  •  As shown in the SavingDetails screen, the fields are captured based on the custom data table created by us.
  • If we are not providing the data to the custom data table based field and if we try to activate the Saving account, then an error message is shown as in the screen below.
  • Instance 2: A data table has been created for the creation of saving account and the custom data table name is "AdditionalAccount". Since the status is create the wizard comes into picture. Hence in the screen below, we can see the wizard named by "AdditionalAccount" . 

    As shown in the AdditionalAccount screen, the fields are captured based on the custom data table created by us.

  • Wizard is supported only for the creation of Client/Group/Loan/Saving Account. It is not supported for other statuses such as activate/approve/write-off/rejected/close/withdrawal. Instead statuses such as activate/approve/write-off/rejected/close/withdrawal are supported by a tab.

  • Hence "Entity Data Table Check" is required for enhancing the existing entity details or any additional verification during certain actions like disbursing the loan, activating the Saving Account, creation of client etc.

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