11.02.2011 Developer Meeting
11.02.2011 Developer Meeting
Who Attended
- Udai G (India)
- Michael V (Switzerland)
- Keith W (Ireland)
- Ryan W (USA)
- Ed C (USA
From: http://willyou.typewith.me/p/mifos-dev-11-2-2011
Release 2.2.2
- Need to understand goals behind Mifos 2.2.2 - is it for GK primarily?
- Is it for mobile client?
- EC: Don't think much thought process has gone behind the release - mainly that SolDevelo is taking it on and working toward REST services for Mobile Client.
- KW: I might send out an email soon to developer community on this topic. EC +1 - definitely do that.
SMS App: - MV: Trying to understand how to get data out - get
- REST Service to return upcoming meetings
- Udai: whatever is called for collection sheet can be exposed through APIs
- Working on collection sheet APIs - in day or two will be exposed
- Need to know if should do this to G Release or Master
- Can then look at data from Collection Sheet APIs and then see gap to get idea running.
- MV: 2 fairly separate processes
- 2) Updating - using collection sheet - when loan officers respond with what collections have come through
- 1) First step - send messsage out informing about upcoming center meetings.
- Udai: get list of loan officers that have meetings and send collection sheet
- Think this is only place where meetings/attendance is mapped in Mifos.
* KW: I'll get in touch with Michael V around putting code in place to access this information which we can then expose through REST with udais help. - MV: can make a SMS call that pulls more and then just pull the subset of what is needed.
- Next Step: REST APIs for step 1 to get meeting information.
Executable WAR
- Another step: build launcher around it - launch4j would work well for that --> mifos exe
- For a windows audience but that's the group that is most challenged.
- MySQL embedding is a separate issue - still waiting on response from MySQL guy.
- Ryan planning a call in 2 to 3 weeks with Gigi to discuss design issues with how we handle data that cause issues with integration.
- Krishnan soon sending information about Molly Integration and APIs (this week ideally)
- Might set up a direct call with Gigi beforehand if needed.