11.23.2011 Developer Meeting
11.23.2011 Developer Meeting
Who Attended
- Keith W (Ireland)
- Venkat (India)
- Ed C (USA)
- Binny (India)
- Jakub (Poland)
- Kakha (Georgia)
- Udai (India)
- Krishnan (India)
From: http://sync.in/F98zhy8bdV
- Discussion of Feature List
- Discussion of Process for Features
- Technical Updates
- Discussion of Technical Issues
Action Items:
- Feature List/Product Roadmap
- Ed to send out document summarizing processes
- Sub-team to form to streamline current list, organize it, apply lables, consolidate with other lists
- Ed, Lukasz, Krishnan, any others?
- Will hold community-wide meeting in 2 weeks to establish roadmap.
- Accounting team will be scheduling meeting for this upcoming week - 1st half a demo/2nd half discussing best accounting path forward.
- Data Migration Toolkit work - technical handover occuring between SunGard and Hugo Technologies
- Keith/Udai taking on bulk import work to support Kakha/Binny and client needs.
Feature List Discussion
- Lukasz' List of Feature Requests: http://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/display/MIFOS/Future+Improvements+&+New+Features
- Feature Train: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhPZtOMhomEZcFZ4RXB3YUM4SkVBbU9qNmFvSWYwVHc&hl=en
- Priority Gaps: http://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/display/MIFOS/Priority+Gaps
Feature List
- Created by Lukasz, selecting which of the 400 issues were relevant/important
- Priorities were assigned by Lukasz.
- Keith: do we want to go through each line item and look at it?
- Keith: need a page on each org on what the main priorities of each org are.
- Udai/Ed:
- Lists of issues: use macro that can filter based on labels/components/etc
- Ed: would like to use this with components, priorities, labels
- How will we organize multiple priorities?
- How do we attach priority?
- Who has best knowledge to assign this.
- What is the actual process.
- Voting could be a good means of using the tool.
- Next Steps:
- Encourage voting
- Attach Labels for MFI
- Separate by components.
- Form small team to organize and label existing list
- Pull together other lists and consolidate.
- Krishnan:
- Split list into purely technical and those that are purely functional.
- Customers don't pay for working on technical backlog.
- What is the way to componentize?
- Components?
- Epic Stories could be used:
- Data Migration Toolkit
- Hugo Technologies will be taking on maintenance and extension of the tool
- Based on priorities will first be compatibility with current versions of Mifos and then migration of savings.
Molly Accounting Integration
- Specification of API aim to publish as soon as possible - December 3.
- Work on Mifos end for that to send consolidate data hasn't begun and won't be done till specs are published.
- Binny: need screens in Mifos UI to make entry of transactions in Mifos.
- Krishnan: could volunteer to add UI screens for manual entry of general ledger transactions.
- Binny: both APAC and BWDA are blocked on accounting.
- Action: Let's schedule a call to demo and do screencast of the Molly functionality in upcoming week (Ed/Krishnan to coordinate)
- Udai: Are these MFIs that won't consider integration aware that there are many much more complex accounting requirements that need to be supported?
- Binny: Indian MFIs just want the simple ability to track some general expense/income transactions - would be happy with those screens.
- Krishnan: mind-boggling task to keep track of high volume transactions unless MFI itself can have some integration between MIS and accounting.
- Venkat: MFIs and NGOs have many other programs that they need to track and need to record these projects for financial accounting purpose --> need additional software and best story is integration.
- Kakha: isn't most of this covered in Mifos? // Krishnan: can greatly improve flexibility in Mifos
- i.e. changing chart of accounts - must modify XML file and have deep knowledge of how to modify.
- Binny: can't generate financial statements in Mifos w/o ability to track expense/income transactions.
- Kakha: why is it so difficult to just add this into Mifos?
- Udai: can agree that Mifos should have a basic-level of accounting or at least to visualize accounting data in a simple format. For advanced integration can use Molly, etc.
- Kakha: understand and agree on all the requirements for local/HR; can't we easily build the simple double-entry into Mifos?
- How difficult is it to add these additional transactions into Mifos? // Binny 99% of transactions fit into those buckets. The 1% is at end of year when accounts don't tally - for that
- Kakha: just need a debit/credit/amount and description or if multi - summation.
- Binny: do we want to develop it twice? once in mifos and once in Molly?
- Krishnan: unless we're very disciplined about what accounting we provide in Mifos, it's difficult to draw the line at where we stop to put in accounting functionality in Mifos.
- Venkat: Accounting should be outside mifos and then have a seamless integration.
- Keith: shouldn't be blocked from adding in these interfaces.
- Udai: Molly itself is not an accounting package but more an interface but can be used for simple entry (not duplicating effort)
- Krishnan: can actually write something such that you can import any of this data from Mifos to any open package (extending integration for other OS packages).
- Action: Discuss this offline in accounting subgroup when demo takes place this upcoming week.
Offline Client
- Binny: Centers are more or less completely disconnected from internet. Want loan officers to continue their entire day's work offline even without internet.
- Krishnan: perhaps a client/server solution is best for them. The big 4 (SKS, Spandana, etc - all are still using branch-based system) - just learned how to work very well with it. What works for them works for them, like way web-based software works for us.
- Udai: Excel based system they're using currently is very sophisticated. Suggesting offline client to replace Excel functionality.
- Kakha: don't have computers in any of these branches - just field officer going from Village Bank to Village Bank. Agree that they've recreated MIS in Excel.
- Kakha: functionality they requesting is so complex that current web-based client is not enough.
- Concentrate on server side. Use excel as temporary solution for data exchange. After successful first iteration, think how to change/how to improve client.
- Krishnan: how large is the organization?
- Kakha: 5 NSOs with 20-100 village banks. Each village bank has about 100-150 customer.
- 100s of rows of data for each trip for a field officer before syncing and entering into database.
- Binny: client wants lots of historical info visible on offline client // proposed they will give them collection sheet report or excel of data.
- Want to see history of client in collection sheet view including past deposits/withdrawals/etc.
- Want to add new customers, new savings accounts, new loan accounts.
- Correction of old transactions. Currently applying adjustments
- Members who have exited - closed loans and left completely.
- Udai: would say that the first and third point may be feasible with offline client. - information can be visible in the client - just payment transactions
- Showing data should not be a problem, but showing data apart from transactions will be quite tricky.
- But creating a client and account. Requires all the business rules on Mifos application - i.e. individual/group client - would essentially need to reduplicate functionality.
- Udai: back-dated transaction is a different problem that Keith is taking care of.
- Loan creation/client creation workflow is completing separate complexity. Client can handle transactions but becomes too tricky to handle client management.
- Udai: good idea to expose those APIs - but trying to search that data historically - like having a distributed set of Mifos data and essentialy a complete software.
- Binny: just need basic client information.
- Udai: when you create client, are you suggesting flat data being entered or need validation?
- Binny: don't need workflow - savings will be automatically approved. Meeting happens and customers have been pre-approved
- Krishna: Udai wants to have a very thin layer over API and not implement a lot of logic implemented in offline client because logic in offline client can quickly diverge from Mifos
- Binny: why Kakha keeps going back to Excel. // Krishnan: Have you considered approach where upload excel sheet to central location and then a batch process that speaks to API of Mifos.
- Krishnan: Don't think should do 1 iteration purely for 1 customer if it's not part of the general roadmap.
- Kakha: Ideal next steps
- 1st iteration - simple Excel showing
- Keith: FO uses excel doc, reading this and getting into Mifos by importing into document - what is most common thing that they need to deliver on? For first iteration...
- Binny: create client and repayment. repayment is done. Keith - need format of how they enter client data in spreadsheet. Udai will try to do work for that to pass into Mifos.
- Plan: Binny will talk with client
- Can Udai do the import of CSV to build client structure based on format of data - hitting restful service.
- Cutting out details - but just showing iteration - showing bulk import of data - commonly needed by many MFIs - this format here would be structured for this demo case.
- Kakha: Binny will need to get commitment from client.
- Udai and Keith will implement upload of new client functionality going into DB properly and supports back-dated transactions.
- Bulk Import functionality:
- Udai: it's not too difficult - but will this evolve and not be throw-away.
- Krishnan: what does client use? SQLLite? // Udai - HTML5 localstore - chrome extension.
, multiple selections available,