10.12.2011 Developer Meeting
10.12.2011 Developer Meeting
Who Attended
From: http://willyou.typewith.me/p/mifos-dev
- Finalizing and tidying up the RESTful API
- Focusing on the additional domain functionality for individual loans and client management
- Ryan and Marie expanding on existing functional spec to expand on common features requested by MFIs
- So that Keith can build this in Mifos X or it can be built on top of Mifos X without limitations.
- Localization stuff
- In parallel - offline collection sheet stuff.
- Both for upcoming release
- Current release
- Edit client DOB, center, photo support
- APIs
- All changes from Release G have been stabilized.
SMS (Michael V)
- Will REST services cover the functionality that Binny outlined in his SMS func spec.
- Currently REST API for upcoming meetings not existing but could be built if spec'd out.
- Currently:
- Get client detail, do repayments, do savings deposit, get personnel information
- For SMS app, would need REST calls to get status of collection sheet --> need that.
- Questions from Udai:
- What happens with over/partial payments with SMS app.
Executable WAR (Michael V)
- In GIT, just need to apply tests and write up a wiki page.
- Can do JAVA jar Mifos WAR without having to deploy it.
- Action: Ed needs to reach out to legal contact about MySQL embedding issues.
, multiple selections available,