06.07.2012 User Meetup


Before each meeting we'll post a proposed agenda.  You can add any item you would like to cover to the agenda by emailing the user list or editing this wiki page. 






We will also have an introduction of everyone on the call so the community can get more personally connected.

Ed Cable

5 min

Implementer Show & Tell

Lassaad from enda in Tunisia


15 min


Each meeting, we'll do a demo of a feature or a tutorial of how to do a certain task within Mifos or how to use a tool or resource in the online community infrastructure. 

Demonstration of  Vinolia I Features (fund transfers, embedded reporting, setting permission for loan approval ranges 

Ed Cable

15 min

On the Call

  • Arun (GK India)
  • Vishwas (Conflux India)
  • Patrick Asare-Frimpong (Ghana)
  • Marco Veraguay (Quipu - Peru)
  • Lassaad (enda - Tunisia)
  • Keith (ireland)
  • Ed (USA)
  • Aliyu (Nigeria)
  • Venkat (Hugo - India


From: http://sync.in/2YQ9ieFXXD


  • Introductions
  • Presentation by Lassaad from enda in Tunisia
  • Demonstration of upcoming features in Vinolia I
  • Discussion on admin docs/receipt functionality
  • Open office hours

enda Presentation

Slide Deck: http://bit.ly/KPHoh9

  • Questions from Arun: 
    • Are you using Mifos for individual lending? --> Yes --> also engaged with Keith on providing requirements for Mifos X.
    • What application are you using for accounting? --> Separate application accessed at HO level, also using another application for cash management at the branches.
    • How are they integrated with Mifos --> cash management is integrated with same database of mifos. accounting is integrated by sending CSV file. 
  • Keith: what are details on individual lending support that need to be strengthened?
    • Adding more controls
    • When capturing the data, directive controls of the data --> Keith: more flexibility and control over display/capture of data. 
  • Questions from Ed:
    • What mobile device application are you using? Older apps
    • What is the mobile banking platform in Tunisia - belongs to Creova, n-dinar (because of regulation issues - cannot start using it yet. 

Enhancements to Mifos Accounting Module (Venkat)

  • Incorporated Calendar Picker
  • Remote dependency views
  • If MFI wants simple accounting - can enable config value to true to have it show up. 

Discussion on Admin Docs/Receipts

  • Enda: when need to generate payment book of client - don't need to enter system ID - from loan page - just click the link of loan payment book and it's generated automatically
  • Use admin doc to generate loan voucher
  • Use it to generate payment receipts from the loan page. 
  • These are all BIRT report templates. 

What do others do for receipt generation? 

  • Venkat: developed something similar - tried to check it in but didn't get it through so paused work on the project
  • Vishwas: Integration of mobile android client with thermal printer - will share requirements

Keith Woodlock update on Mifos X API

  • Released robust and clean well-documented version of API for Mifos X 
  • Core platform take as a given and then build off in a very clean way for bespoke functionality or client applications.

Open Discussion

Feedback from Aliyu in Nigeria

  • Major problems - CBN's directives of things that need to be put into place before can make use of software
  • Account # - command from regulatory agent - account # have to be 10 digits
    • Can change account# at MySQL table level - is there a way that can a module that can be developed to enable account #s that can have just 10 digits.
  • Trying to convince MFIs to use it - they want it - spoken with GM of 3 bank - this is issue that is blocking them. 
  • Patrick Asare Frimpong: This is also a requirement from Central Bank of Ghana - 13 numbers or less for account #s
    • Luckily it's not mandatory
  • Keith: long-standing issue in mifos - challenge is it's hardcoded - formula is office + zero-padded number using the ID of the database.
    • No nice way-- question is can it be fixed in a clean way?
    • Need to get estimate from Jakub for current Mifos codebase
    • For Mifos X we will want to support it - generate a unique identifier for loans or clients depending on what looking for. 
  • Workarounds:
    • Suggested by Arun: one possible workaround for aliyu would be to have a separate number list created - a simple tool which just links the two numbers. the loan number showing in MIFOS and what actually gets communicated to clients. i agree it is not an ideal solution, but shd work as a temporary solution to follow regulatory norms until the chnages can come in mifos
    • Could also manually keep updating the account number directly in the database but this wouldn't be a sustainable solution in the long run. 

Also interested in:

  • Customer side can have access own account - administer own balance - transfer cash from their own account.
  • Ed: looking at this work opening up client side APIs for SMS push/pull notifications for client balance inquiries.