07.19.2012 User Meetup


Before each meeting we'll post a proposed agenda.  You can add any item you would like to cover to the agenda by emailing the user list or editing this wiki page. 






We will also have an introduction of everyone on the call so the community can get more personally connected.

Ed Cable

5 min

Implementer Show & Tell

Miguel Joia Santos, Iniciativa Mifos Mozambique


15 min

DiscussionSamiha J update | Discussion on PPI/Social Performance ManagementEd10 min


CloudFoundry Integration


15 min

Open Office HoursSupport/feedback  

On the Call

  • Lassaad (enda - Tunisia)
  • Lukasz Chudy (Poland - SolDevelo - QA)
  • Miguel Joia Santos (Mifos Initiative Mozambique)
  • Patrick Asare-Frimpong (Ghana)
  • Nayan Ambali (Conflux - India)
  • Ashok (Conflux - India)
  • Marco (Quipu - Peru)
  • Arun (GK - India)
  • Keith (Ireland)
  • Ed (USA)


From: http://sync.in/zuYyeen9cO

- Presentation on Implementations in Namibia and Mozambique
- CloudFoundry Demonstration
- Mifos X and Samiha J update
- Social Performance Management discussion (PPI/Question Groups)
- Open Office Hours Discussion
Presentation from Miguel:
Started efforts in January 2010 when found Mifos on the internet.
Miguel represents SBS (service, business, and solutions)
2 other partners - ICC (Consulting) and Afrisis (Development)
  • ICC - provide training to several MFIs throughout Mozambique
  • Afrisis - team of 2 doing the implementation and maintenance of technology (Natu & Euclides)
First implementation started in April 2010
Support of Mifos community has been critical
Community Contributions:
  • Portuguese Translation
  • 3 implementations
  • Mozambique
  • Associação Progresso (Cabo Delgado) - northern part of Mozambique
  • 3500 members - basic group loans and compulsory savings - still using version 1.5 of Mifos
  • Several custom reports developed. 
  • Pilot implementation - learned a great deal with them. 
  • Profamilia Moçambique (Inhambane) - 600km from Maputo
  • 1000 - 1500 members projected - 250 members right now - started 3 months ago
  • Group loans and compulsory savings
  • Namibia
  • Kongalend Financial Services
  • Financing solar system loans
  • More complex implementation - integration with electronic banking payments, insurance payments, custom reports, Pastel integration 
  • Starting to roll out group loans - will be upgrading to new versions soon.
  • Ongoing projects (Now in half of the projects in Mozambique)
  • Mozambique
  • Associação Ophentana Wathiana (Nampula)
  • Will be doing group loans but using Mifos to provide loans to other associations as well. 
  • NAM Créditos (Sofala)
  • Currently training them right now
  • Only individual loans right now
  • TSECO Microfinanças (Zambézia)
  • Will start in next 2 weeks
  • Individual loans
  • Namibia
  • Kongalend Financial Services (upgrade MIFOS)
  • Upgrade and extend other features as required.
  • Other Achievements
  • Customized report platform - to integrate other data as well.
  • Integration with Accounting
  • Integration with Pastel
  • e-banking integration
  • Insurance management  integration
  • API based on the utilities services payments for loans repayment and deposits using channels:
  • ATMs
  • Over the counter in Banks
  • Would like to deploy at larger banks to get payments to get directly made over the ATM and data flows in through API. 
  • Strengths:
  • Project management to do more efficient deployment
  • Partners with both knowledge in MF and IS - Mifos and Reports development
  • Business Development/Marketing
  • Lots of word of mouth marketing, case studies needed to find business
  • Weaknesses
  • MFIs with little experienice in MF - start it because they have funds or its trendy
  • Need to evolve with mifos and microfinance
  • NGOs not oriented towards efficiency
  • Can't fast track their knowledge and their knowledge on Mifos 
  • Little technology knowledge - difficult to get people using Mifos 
  • Dependence on funding for these programs - need to wait for these investments in MF
  • Funds are lower than they were in the past.
Market Challenges
  • About 150 MFIs in Mozamique including ASCAs which would be good opportunitie for ASCAs
  • National programs financing implementation 
  • Loans management platform for agriculture cooperatives - advancing partnerships to do this
  • Could yield 1 to 2M more clients being served.
  • Professional management of local initiative funds
  • 128 districts 
Had to do work that didn't go back into Mifos - like reporting. 
  • Reporting done on PHP to get data 
  • Questions/challenges is to now be much more in touch with community.
  • Natu is very interested in Mifos X work
  • Action: set up call with Natu. Had to choose language that was easiest for implementation from their end. 
  • For later implementations did 
API for integration into other systems - how you approached that. 
  • E-banking integration was based on audi bank plugin and then did separate plug-in.
  • Semba: working pretty well - in process of upgrading a few things here and there. 
Lassaad: how is accounting integration functioning?
  • Accounting is always a major challenge. Did integration through specific queries through Pastel. 
  • Still challenged but anticipating more integration. 
CloudFoundry Integration Demo
  • CloudFoundry - platform allows you to deploy applications in the cloud - then can be accessible in web browser
  • Advantages
  • Easy to deploy an application - don't have to modify anything in the code.
  • Can deploy application from different machines
  • Don't need a separate run-time environment or jetty - just upload war file and access in web browser. 
  • How to Do It:
  • Sign up account on cloud foundry website
  • Account is activated in about 2 days.
  • Download mifos cloudfoundry war file - special version optimized for running on cloudfoundry or tomcat 6
  • Can grab this from sourceforge --> 
  • Run several commands in windows console (tutorial on cloud foundry page)
  • Target cloud foundry in the cloud. 
  • Log in to cloud foundry using the credentials
  • Specify settings like memory and other options
  • War will be uploaded and then can access in web browser. 
  • Questions:
  • Miguel: What about properties files - how are these configured when doing this
  • What about database settings? 
  • Configuration settings - would be hard to set up - 
  • Miguel: Currently using VPS for most applications - this would be more cost-effective - would like to organize a chat. 
  • Patrick: what about chart of accounts? 
  • Where do we upload this in? --> Lukasz: could be possible to reference these files. 
  • Miguel: for different clients - do we need one cloudfoundry or several?
  • Keith: right now Mifos as its designed it's not suitable for multi-tenancy. 
  • Action: to document how this configuration and uploading of chart of accounts is done.
  • Nayan to do a demo on AWS AMI and how to roll those out.