09.27.2012 User Meetup


Before each meeting we'll post a proposed agenda.  You can add any item you would like to cover to the agenda by emailing the user list or editing this wiki page. 






We will also have an introduction of everyone on the call so the community can get more personally connected.

Ed Cable

5 min

Implementer Show & Tell

Presenter TBD


15 min

DiscussionMarie K Release PlanningEd10 min


Mifos ACC Accounting Module


20 min

Open Office HoursSupport/feedback 10 min

On the Call

  • Venkat - Hugo
  • Shiva - Hugo
  • Semba - Kongalend
  • Nayan - Conflux
  • Thomas - Vastech
  • Lassaad - enda
  • Ed - COSM
  • Marco - Quipu


From: http://sync.in/icYBVGFoFU

  • User Presentation TBD
  • Marie K Release Planning Discussion - 
  • Office Hours
Mobile Banking
  • Semba: not very developed yet in Namibia - mobipay - services for electricity other bills - run by private company using LTC telco 
  • Lassaad: Trying to work with local provider in Tunisia - many problems with central banking regulations in Tunisia
  • Creova is the private company that they are working with - application is reading directly from the web interface of Mifos (no APIs)
  • Blocked with regulation issues - 
  • Nayan: Telecoms are getting into mobile money transfer, local banks are driving that now. 
  • RBI has regulation where telecom companies can't offer it extensively 
  • Airtel - is getting into money transfers. 
  • Marco:
  • No mobile banking experiences yet - 
  • Some banks use mobile phone for registering payments, reviewing client accounts. 
  • Not prevalent in MFI because conversion that have to do - loan officers think it is dangerous to use mobile phones - possibility of being stolen. 
Mifos-ACC Demo
  • Given by Venkat and Shiva of Hugo Technologies
  • Mifos-ACC was designed to provide simple accounting functionality within Mifos such that small MFIs could use Mifos as independent stand-alone solution for both their portfolio and financial accounting needs (single solution vs. need for integration)
  • Mifos ACC supports the following
  • Input of general ledger transactions (non-portfolio transactions - at any level of the office hierarchy you can input cash and bank receipts/payments and the corresponding account they are going to or from (pulled from your chart of accounts)
  • These could be expenses like rent, office supplies, etc. 
  • For adjustments, you can input "journal vouchers" which allow you to select both the debit and credit accounts to make the corresponding transaction.
  • i.e. if you had made a cash payment into rent expense (credit cash, debit rent expense) that you wanted to reverse - you could go make a journal voucher in which you debit cash account and credit rent expense
  • Viewing general ledger transactions
  • Define Opening Balances - for each account in the chart of accounts, you can define it's opening balance and whether it's a debit or a credit balance. 
  • Processing Operational Data to FA
  • This allows you to merge your operational data (all the Mifos portfolio transactions) with your Mifos-ACC transactions into the Financial Accounting Table
  • Currently this is only supported by consolidation at the branch office level but could be customized for consolidation at any level of your office hierarchy
  • You select the last processing date and the processing till date and then it will merge the transactions from mifos (consolidated at branch office level)
  • You can then "View GL transactions" and see these merged transactions under denoted by the note, "MIS Processing"
  • Simple financial reports will be included in Mifos-ACC soon. 
Business Correspondents support in India
  • Developing modules to support them - act as intermediary between the banks and customers
  • any transactions made by business correspondent will need to go back to core banking solutions. 
  • Small MFIs
  • convert business into being business correspondent - operate on behalf of bank or insurance company - 
  • Challenges are:
  • MFIs are acting as business correspondents but still not targeting the unbanked - having new technology with mobile will reduce costs.