12.06.2012 User Meetup
12.06.2012 User Meetup
Ed Cable
Owned by Ed Cable
Before each meeting we'll post a proposed agenda. You can add any item you would like to cover to the agenda by emailing the user list or editing this wiki page.
Session | Description | Presenter | Time |
Introduction | We will also have an introduction of everyone on the call so the community can get more personally connected. | Ed Cable | 5 min |
Implementer Show & Tell | n/a | n/a |
Discussion | RHoK Update | John/Keith Woodlock | 10 min |
Demo/Tutoria4 | Demo of Mifos X Fixed Deposits Functionality | Shiva & Madhukar (Hugo) | 40 min |
Open Office Hours | Support/feedback | 5 min |
On the Call
- Binny - Pune, India
- Shiva - Hugo, Hyderabad, India
- Lukasz - SolDevelo, Poland
- Thomas - Vastech - Uganda
- Zayyad - Intrasoft - Kenya
- Lassaad - enda, Tunisia
- Keith - COSM, Ireland
- Madhukar - Hugo - India
- John - COSM, Ireland
- Ed - COSM, USA
- Vishwas - Conflux, India
From: http://sync.in/97GWFrn4rk
Background behind Fixed Deposits
- Hugo came onto around Mifos X in August time frame, working on savings/other fixed deposits features.
- Not yet in the official Mifos X release but will come in during 2nd release after the loan and clien work.
- Shiva: were targeting a new segmen of customers that aren't MFIs, NBFCs
- Targeting employee cooperatives in other regions - thousands in the region but are a couple types targeting
- Employees cooperative unions which are in place for every state dept. plus mutually cooperative societies (MF banks)
- Needed the fixed deposit and recurring deposit functionalities to fill gaps that were in Mifos.
- Implemented product successfully three days ago at one customer location.
- Were slightly behind on recurring deposits but have fixed deposits complete.
- About Madhukar
- Spearheading this development and doing testing/implementation of product all by Madhukar after Shiva did initial requirements gathering.
- About the Feature
- Renewal Allowed - if this is checked - will allow a customer to renew their fixed deposit after the year long term has been completed
- Once batch jobs are available in product this renewal will actually be done automatically if the customer has chosen
- Pre-Closure Allowed - once a customer has subscribed to fixed tenure and might want to do early withdrawal with a penalty
- Interest Compounding - 2 types of interest - simple or compound
- Lock-in Period: if deposit for one year, deposit must be in place for min time before can withdraw any funds.
- Maturity Default Interest Rate: rate if they have complete term of deposit
- Minimum interest rate through Max - range
- Pre-closure rate: rate if they withdraw early.
- Creating an Account
- Also have option once account created and approved can print the details of fixed deposit - the certificate for the customer.
- Transactions
- Can withdraw whole deposit before tenure (if pre-closure allowed)
- Can withdraw just interest as well -
- Before doing this can manually post interest
- Zayyad: can interest posting be automated - (i.e. during month-end procedure)
- Shiva: this is planned - waiting on framework of batch job schedulers.
- Ed: when interest withdrawn - need to make it clear it's being subtracted - not that clear.
- Keith: what if the withdrawal took place yesterday? Can I select a date on when interest was withdrawn?
- would make sense to support back-dating if possible - should have ability but could then constrain whether or not to allow backdating.
- Binny: Does it make sense to generate and display a unique txn id for withdrawals and perhaps for interest postings too?
- Very important for manual maintenance of accounting
- Binny: can tenure be set to something outside of the default? Yes.
- A bit misleading from product creation perspective so let's improve.
- Shiva: as a future enhancements could define slabs (ranges) and then you could assign interest rates per slab
- i.e. 3-6 months, 6-9 months, 9-12 months
- Withdrawal
- Happens at maturity or before maturity (at pre-closure rate)
- For interest that is not posted - will calculate it at pre-closure rate.
- Zayyad: based on his experiences - interest is normally acrrued on daily basis - at end of every month it's posted to the account meaning that FD has earned that interest - if client goes to bank before month-end will only give what they be accrued
- Ed's scenario - client has been withdrawing interest at full rate but pre-closes the deposit before term matures, what happens to interest that has already been paid?
- Binny: could apply a fee/penalty at pre-closure that would give MFI a legal way to get back additional interest that was paid.
- Shiva; this scenario doesn't happen with their cooperative as interest is done yearly.
- Discussion on Account Renewal
- Will be one year out into the future + one day.
- Zayyad: could this remaining balance also be transferred to a regular savings accoun
- Shiva: once conept of batch jobs/schedulers is added in - could automatically become a savings account rather than a fixed deposit
- Zayyad: would be good to have a window in which to choose - either cash withdrawal, transfer to savings, or automatic renewal.
Potential Enhancements
- Automatic transfer to savings
- Definining interest rate slabs
[8:07:10 AM] Keith Woodlock: what if the withdrawal took place yesterday?
[8:07:22 AM] Keith Woodlock: i cant select a date on when interest was withdrawn?
[8:09:24 AM] binny.gopinath: also .. does it make sense to generate and display a unique txn id for withdrawals and perhaps for interest postings too?
[8:15:45 AM] Edward Cable: What if they do a pre-closure but have already withdrawn interest at the normal rate?
[8:16:01 AM] Edward Cable: rather than the lower pre-closure rate?
[8:16:32 AM] binny.gopinath: i guess it is done at 6% (interest rate on pre-closure)
[8:17:15 AM] Edward Cable: but if they had already taken money out at normal rate - would they pay back he difference?
[8:17:50 AM] Zayyad A Said: I think interest withdrawal should not be at normal rate if before maturity
[8:17:57 AM] Zayyad A Said: but at pre-closure rate
[8:19:38 AM] binny.gopinath: Agree with Ed and Zayyad .. most banks practice is that way i believe
[8:20:20 AM] Zayyad A Said: Banks calculate FD interest on daily accrual
[8:20:20 AM] Ndugwa Thomas: Yes agree with Zayyad only Interst posted should be the only amt available
[8:20:37 AM] Zayyad A Said: 365 days or 360 based on preference
[8:25:22 AM] binny.gopinath: if there is a way to apply a penalty or fee to the account, this may give a legal way to charge a penalty even if interest is posted
[8:27:38 AM] Zayyad A Said: I will confirm this with the local bankers and post it on JIRA
[8:29:19 AM] Edward Cable: does the external ID not get automatically generated and moved forward?
[8:29:58 AM] binny.gopinath: Or rather .. we need an account number so that customer can reference this in any communications etc
[8:30:11 AM] Keith Woodlock: The external Id field is not meant to represent the actual account number
[8:30:20 AM] Zayyad A Said: Account number will be much better i guess
[8:30:23 AM] Keith Woodlock: Its intention was to be used for migrating from one system to another
[8:31:00 AM] Edward Cable: ah okay - thanks for clarification keith.
[8:31:17 AM] Hugo Technologies: Normally Instituions maintain the FD certificates....... it has its unique number
[8:31:20 AM] Keith Woodlock: but it does look as if madhukar is using it as an actuall account number?
[8:31:54 AM] Keith Woodlock: so they expect the data entry people to enter the certification number here?
[8:33:53 AM] Zayyad A Said: The pre printed certificates are serialed but CBS also auto-generate FD account number
[8:38:47 AM] Hugo Technologies: yeah...... they are entering the certificate number manually
[8:39:12 AM] Zayyad A Said: What if one tries to forge the certificate?
Random Hacks of Kindness Update
- John: hackathon in three sites (SF, Bangalore, Dublin) - working on our problems - most worked on mobile
- 1 guy worked on building a small app on iPhone, another doing the same work on Android but with offline capability
- Was useful to see how easy it as given a specific scope how both the iPhone or Android work could be done.
- John: won't automatically rebuild the full capability of Mifos X in mobile - first want to see someone's detailed mobile strategy and requirements before we build them in.
- Will be there for anyone that needs mobile or SMS technology but want it to be requirements-driven.
- Hackathon proved that mobile developmen can be done with relative ease through the API on Mifos X - we simply need actual requirements and users to build for.
- Vishwas: did a small mobile app with Phonegap that works offine too. Small progress on client doc module.
, multiple selections available,