09.13.2012 User Meetup


Before each meeting we'll post a proposed agenda.  You can add any item you would like to cover to the agenda by emailing the user list or editing this wiki page. 






We will also have an introduction of everyone on the call so the community can get more personally connected.

Ed Cable

5 min

Implementer Show & Tell

Community-Sharing of Experiences on Social Performance Management and Client Protectionism


15 min

DiscussionMarie K IntroductionEd10 min


Mifos 2.5 (Samiha J) Showcase


30 min

Open Office HoursSupport/feedback  

On the Call

  • Semba (Namibia - Kongalend)
  • Lassaad (Tunisia - enda)
  • Lukasz Chudy (Poland - SolDevelo)
  • Jakub P (Poland - SolDevelo)
  • Miguel (Mozambique - SBS)
  • Marco (Peru - Quipu)
  • Nayan (India - Conflux)
  • Thomas (Uganda - Vastech)
  • Ed (USA - COSM)


From: http://sync.in/uvZlgRiKIt

- Showcase on Mifos 2.5 (Samiha J) Functionality
- Introduction of Marie K release
- Discussion on Social Performance Management, Client Protectionism, and Transparency to Clients
- Open Office Hours

Action Items:

  • Need to estimate user authorization and control over data scope for embedded Pentaho reports.
  • Ed/Lukasz: make page on the wiki (linked to from mifos.org) listing all templates (i.e. administrative documents, import templates, etc.) >> DONE: Import Templates
  • Create a ticket to get estimate of enabling undo functionality for all imports.
  • Ed to start a thread on more flexible reporting/drag & drop, etc. 
Showcase on Mifos 2.5
Receipt Generation
  • Jakub P demonstrated uploading receipt templates that can then be generated after applying a payment
  • Generating a loan agreement from the View Client page
  • Generating a savings account statement from savings account page. 
Question Groups
  • Added support for permissioning at individual question group level
  • Demonstrate new answer type - single smart select - (like smart select but only can select one option)
- Usually located in clients
Configuration of Repayment Order
  • Demonstrated configuration option to change order of repay to all overdue interest prior to payment towards principal, fees, etc.
  • Enable this option by changing configuration value to true for new setting
  • Only related to overdue interest - Relevant to MFIs in India
Integration of Pentaho Data Warehouse Reports in Mifos
  • Don't need to separately run Mifos Business Intelligence Suite because now all are embedded in Mifos (11 add'l reports available)
  • New Batch job to run ETL job for data warehouse (uploads data from mifos general database to mifos data warehouse database)
  • Need to also configure the second database - instructions for this pop up when you try to run an embedded DW report.
  • PPI Data Dump
  • This is not yet embedded but will be soon. 
  • Discussion:
  • Miguel: to get upgrade from data warehouse - do you need to update batch job?
  • This batch job will run every day and reports running off of the data warehouse will then be updated.
  • Nayan: will this support user authorization?
  • If user is logged into his branch, can the user only view data in his branch
  • Lukasz: currently not dependent on logged-in user or branch.
  • Nayan: is it true that a person can view data from other branches. 
  • Action: Need to estimate this user authorization
Import Savings and Loan Account Templates
  • Templates can be downloaded from release notes page
  • Action: Make a page that lists all templates (i.e. administrative documents, import templates, etc.)
Audi Bank Plugin Improvements
  • Improved speed of transactions
  • Can revert uploads - see list of imports and undo the import.
  • Pretty specific to audi banking import
  • Action: create a ticket to get estimate of enabling undo functionality for all imports.
New Feature Requests for Marie K Release
  • Major concern regarding penalties for Miguel - when you eliminate penalties from client - not able to choose which installments you are able to forgive penalties.
  • Usually you forgive penalty - forgive all of them and then re-apply penality
  • Would need ability to forgive specific penalties.
  • Very typical in the MF sector in Mozambique 
  • Action: Get an estimate for this feature - adjusting/forgiving specific penalties. 
Proper Migration of Live Loans - Miguel does this by setting back database date and then using redo/reverse loan disbursal along with backdating. 
If for individual clients and for group-based clients have different needs - all question groups appear on user interface for clients in general.
Would like to segment question groups based on which type of client they are (individual versus group)
Action: create a feature request for segmenting question groups for individual versus group clients.
Miguel needs new type of automatic penalty calculation
  • Kongalend has monthly fees - principle plus interest + overdue fees on loan schedule 
  • If apply daily penalty - penalty will always be the same - based on interest and principle overdue and not the penalty itself
Feature Prioritization for Marie K Release
  • Configuration through the UI  
  • Multiple users including thomas found this useful.
  • Dashboard of Statistics on HomePage
  • Lassaad: very important - would be better if those indicators could be configurable
  • enda - for example is using # of active clients, not same like active customers
  • using amount of portfolio - be good if the indicators were configurable
  • Miguel:
Other Features that are Needed
  • Instead of dashboard for key indicators 
  • Clients are used to having systems that have alerts regarding clients which client has paid today, which client is in arrears
  • Active tasks that users must do for that specific day. 
  • Nayan has developed a Chrome Plug-in based on logged in user - get a dashboard of disbursements/collections for the day
  • Miguel - thinking about doing it based on reports - instead of client having active tasks
  • Have access to reports to indicate which active tasks he will have on that day.
  • Nayan: what are these active tasks?
  • For loan officer - disbursements and collecting repayments
  • Current plug-in when someone logs in - gives them today's disbursements and today's repayments in the homepage
  • Action: Nayan will share with that with Miguel. 
  • Action: Miguel to create issue with more data
Support for Daily Repayments
  • Needed still. 
Daily posting of interest to savings accounts
  • This is needed by MFIs in India - many are getting licensed to offer savings that have daily posting
  • Need daily collection of savings
  • Action: create issue for mandatory and voluntary daily collection of savings. 
  • For most right now it's mandatory
  • Ed: what portion of this feature support will be covered by dailing meetings now being supported?
File Upload Module
  • KYC Norms
  • attach id cards, proof of identity
Issue 5590:
  • I think the Loan Type Of Interest Based on the Number of Days in  a Month shoudl be a sepate Loan Type  or  configuratble to turn this on or off
Make Configurable
Screen-based Reporting
  • Action: Ed to start a thread on more flexible reporting/drag & drop, etc. 
Flexible Chart of Accounts Configuration