11.08.2012 User Meetup


Before each meeting we'll post a proposed agenda.  You can add any item you would like to cover to the agenda by emailing the user list or editing this wiki page. 






We will also have an introduction of everyone on the call so the community can get more personally connected.

Ed Cable

5 min

Implementer Show & Tell


0 min


Mobile-Enabled Processes Discussion

Update on Esha K


10 min

10 min


Mifos X Demo


0 min

Open Office HoursSupport/feedback 35 min

On the Call

  • Keith Woodlock (COSM - Ireland)
  • Vishwas Babu (Conflux - India)
  • Nayan Ambali (Conflux - India)
  • Ashok (Conflux - India)
  • Natu Lauchance (Afrisis - Mozambique)
  • Thomas Ndugwa (VasTech - Uganda)
  • Semba Funda (Kongalend - Namibia)
  • Praveen Kumar (GK - India)
  • Lassaad Ben Hadj (enda - Tunisia)
  • Polly Wathira (Jitegemea - Kenya)
  • Marco Veragay (Quipu - Peru)
  • Ed Cable - (COSM - India)



Action Items
Esha K Update
Important tickets which are already fixed:
1. MIFOS-5759 - Apply Charge Error: Requires recalculating loan schedule after payments have been made - now it is possible to apply charge after payment has been made.
2. MIFOS-5769 - Reports generated in html format should be displayed directly in Mifos window - now reports are displayed directly in Mifos window
3. MIFOS-5700 - Add in ability to backdate the creation of a new loan product - after this fix it is possible to create loan product with past date
4. MIFOS-5654 - Add information about account status on Search page - now in search results, every account has indicator which informs about the status of the loan (red square - bad standing, green square - good standing etc.)
Currently, we are working on:
1. Support for daily meetings
2. Support for daily repayments
3. Support for daily collection of Savings
4. Fixing issues around Declining Balance IR
Discussion on Mobile:
  • Which mobile platform?
  • Natu: Android should be a good target right now...
  • Nayan: Optimized view for mobile browser - would be good as well and platform independent.
  • Vishwas: j-query mobile.
  • Natu: + for Android - better than web tools for offline capabilities.
  • For such a short hackathon - might be able to get further towards offline thru Android
Other Potential Project for RHoK
  • Admin Docs are currently using reporting tool for user-generated docs - not that user friendly
  • Implement a user-friendly rich text editor or some other tool to upload user generated documents without the need to know th
  • Please add examples of types of documents you could use this tool for.
Mifos X Demo
For what's being worked on Mifos X 1.0 see GK-individual lending project requirements at https://mifosforge.jira.com/browse/MIFOSX-31
  • All the interface for this is very simple right now (just tabular listing parameters and ability to view/edit them.
  • Hierarchy - can select various levels but no limit on data scope as of yet
  • Permissioning has same granularity that you'd find in Mifos
  • Now can limit by office or search by name or use dropdown. 
Create Client Processes
  • Can define and select various unique identifiers for client
  • Could be a passport or ration card, etc - only allows clients to be generated that have unique key.
  • Likewise can associate uploaded documents with certain identity documents. 
  • Document Uploading
  • Can upload documents as you wish.
  • Client Photos supported as well.  
Additional Data
  • Will be similar to what we're calling question groups in Mifos
  • Basically adding another data table and have it pop up through the UI to your data. 
  • On back-end have just added a very flat database table that is easy to report on.
  • Can also one to many data like family details. 
  • Right now simple to be able to capture whatever data an org would want
  • SImple enough that it's not done through hierarchical configuration
  • Can more easily generate report. 
  • Will be foundation of how we do surveys and conduct lots of information. 
  • Risk Analysis
  • Have workflow and calculations and business rules you do against.
  • Can capture all the information you want - not hard to put a simple screen for that data
  • Example is the Risk Analysis view for GK 
  • Can do this for however you risk analysis goes through
  • Reusing data table approach doesn't force us to build so much infrastructure into the application. 
  • Right now we cover most of scenarios around what's needed for client data
  • Data Table approach would be the way we extend it further.
  • Screen for loan creation flow could be how you would like it - right now in demo it's pretty complex.
  • Options to configure
  • Amortization - equal installments or equal principle
  • Interest calculation - flat, declining balance
  • loan term - howevery frequent you would like
  • interest - expressed as a per month or per year rate. 
  • Can associate fund - fund mgmt very simple right now just for reporting purposes.
  • Can support historical loans by changing expected disbursal date (automatically get reflected in repayment table)
  • Charges can click wat what stage they're due - they automatically show up in repayment schedule
  • i.e. flat charge at disburasement, % at other times. 
  • Charges tab can see what's due, what's collected, what has been waived, etc. 
  • Loan that has been created
  • Multiple views of repayment schedules
  • Can associate documents with a loan as well, additional data as well. 
  • Once it's been approved you will also see transactions tab with the transactions. 
  • Functions currently at top - add charge, undo disbursal, modify, loan repayment, waive interest, write-off, close (as rescheduled) or Close
  • As payments come in both the transactions and repayment schedule tabs get updated. 
  • Can add a charge to a loan directly from within loan
  • i.e. a bounced check penalty 
  • Charges t
  • Loan schedule gets automatically configured as you're createing new loan
  • Functions are on tabs at top - when it's pending approval
  • Can add charge, can reject loan, can withdraw application can modify application, can then approve it, can delete. 
  • This will be controlled with permissions
  • Maker/Checker style security workflow will make its way soon into the portfolio workflow. 
User Experience
  • Vishwas has started to align tabs and put some icons to make it look a bit nicer but all very basic right now.
  • Work still coming on custom acccount IDs...
  • Have both screen-based reporting - simple sql queries against data displaying simple jquery screens
  • or can run embedded pentaho reports
Other Stuff that haven't Demoed yet
  • Ability to create groups and associate members - still tackling more completed group stuff
  • Fixed and Recurring Deposits functionality in there. 
  • ability to link savings/loans together as well.                                                                                                                                                                                         
  • Nayan - what will be happening around groups
  • Will we have n-number hierarchy levels - i.e. Village - Group - Center
  • Keith - should be able to allow for that group of group or groups of groups of 
  • Goal is to not start out with limitations but only add constraints when those are needed. 
Can we contact any client (MFI/SCC/etc..) who is using this product? [FINA2]
Skype Commentary
[7:56:08 AM] Vishwas Babu A J: Agreed....... jquery mobile would be good
[7:58:13 AM] *** Edward Cable added Milagros Mendoza Campos ***
[7:59:00 AM] Vishwas Babu A J: Similar to Khan academy http://www.jqmgallery.com/2011/03/07/khan-academy/
[8:02:55 AM] Edward Cable: https://secure.join.me/403-917-233
[8:03:45 AM] Vishwas Babu A J: https://mifosforge.jira.com/browse/MIFOSX-118
[8:10:56 AM] *** Call ended, duration 26:43 ***
[8:41:29 AM] *** Edward Cable added //FinA ***
[8:48:15 AM] Ndugwa Thomas: Lots of Functionality there...  Much has been added, Gr8 work.
[8:49:10 AM] Polly Najori: It's beautiful.....everything ia accessble....I love the interface
[8:49:27 AM] //FinA: Can we contact any client (MFI/SCC/etc..) who is using this product?
[8:51:14 AM] NayanAmbali: I liked interest per month, more useful for SHGs
[8:51:59 AM] Ndugwa Thomas: When ready wud be nice to have a demo server outthere to try out all ths functionalities
[8:52:16 AM] Keith Woodlock: https://demo.openmf.org
[8:52:25 AM] Keith Woodlock: login in as mifos/password
[8:52:30 AM] //FinA: I have seen. Very nice Keith !
[8:52:36 AM] Ndugwa Thomas: Oh gr8
[8:54:30 AM] Ndugwa Thomas: Tx
[8:54:31 AM] Lassâad Ben Hadj: thank you great work
[8:54:34 AM] Praveen Kumar H.I: Thanks Ed. thank you every one.
[8:54:45 AM] natu.lauchande: Thank everyone.
[8:54:53 AM] Edward Cable: take care.