11.08.2012 User Meetup
11.08.2012 User Meetup
Ed Cable
Owned by Ed Cable
Before each meeting we'll post a proposed agenda. You can add any item you would like to cover to the agenda by emailing the user list or editing this wiki page.
Session | Description | Presenter | Time |
Introduction | We will also have an introduction of everyone on the call so the community can get more personally connected. | Ed Cable | 5 min |
Implementer Show & Tell | n/a | 0 min | |
Discussion | Mobile-Enabled Processes Discussion Update on Esha K | Ed/Lukasz | 10 min 10 min |
Demo/Tutorial | Mifos X Demo |
| 0 min |
Open Office Hours | Support/feedback | 35 min |
On the Call
- Keith Woodlock (COSM - Ireland)
- Vishwas Babu (Conflux - India)
- Nayan Ambali (Conflux - India)
- Ashok (Conflux - India)
- Natu Lauchance (Afrisis - Mozambique)
- Thomas Ndugwa (VasTech - Uganda)
- Semba Funda (Kongalend - Namibia)
- Praveen Kumar (GK - India)
- Lassaad Ben Hadj (enda - Tunisia)
- Polly Wathira (Jitegemea - Kenya)
- Marco Veragay (Quipu - Peru)
- Ed Cable - (COSM - India)
Action Items
- Visit Mifos X Demo Server (https://demo.openmf.org) - mifos/password
- Browse functionality being worked on at https://mifosforge.jira.com/browse/MIFOSX-31
- Add examples and use cases of user-generated documents you use at https://mifosforge.jira.com/browse/MIFOSX-118
- Add additional mobile processes or scenarios you need supported at https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/display/MIFOSX/Going+Mobile or https://mifosforge.jira.com/browse/MIFOSX-22
Esha K Update
Important tickets which are already fixed:
1. MIFOS-5759 - Apply Charge Error: Requires recalculating loan schedule after payments have been made - now it is possible to apply charge after payment has been made.
2. MIFOS-5769 - Reports generated in html format should be displayed directly in Mifos window - now reports are displayed directly in Mifos window
3. MIFOS-5700 - Add in ability to backdate the creation of a new loan product - after this fix it is possible to create loan product with past date
4. MIFOS-5654 - Add information about account status on Search page - now in search results, every account has indicator which informs about the status of the loan (red square - bad standing, green square - good standing etc.)
Currently, we are working on:
1. Support for daily meetings
2. Support for daily repayments
3. Support for daily collection of Savings
4. Fixing issues around Declining Balance IR
Discussion on Mobile:
- Which mobile platform?
- Natu: Android should be a good target right now...
- Nayan: Optimized view for mobile browser - would be good as well and platform independent.
- Vishwas: j-query mobile.
- Natu: + for Android - better than web tools for offline capabilities.
- For such a short hackathon - might be able to get further towards offline thru Android
Other Potential Project for RHoK
- Admin Docs are currently using reporting tool for user-generated docs - not that user friendly
- Implement a user-friendly rich text editor or some other tool to upload user generated documents without the need to know th
- Please add examples of types of documents you could use this tool for.
Mifos X Demo
For what's being worked on Mifos X 1.0 see GK-individual lending project requirements at https://mifosforge.jira.com/browse/MIFOSX-31
- All the interface for this is very simple right now (just tabular listing parameters and ability to view/edit them.
- Hierarchy - can select various levels but no limit on data scope as of yet
- Permissioning has same granularity that you'd find in Mifos
- Now can limit by office or search by name or use dropdown.
Create Client Processes
- Can define and select various unique identifiers for client
- Could be a passport or ration card, etc - only allows clients to be generated that have unique key.
- Likewise can associate uploaded documents with certain identity documents.
- Document Uploading
- Can upload documents as you wish.
- Client Photos supported as well.
Additional Data
- Will be similar to what we're calling question groups in Mifos
- Basically adding another data table and have it pop up through the UI to your data.
- On back-end have just added a very flat database table that is easy to report on.
- Can also one to many data like family details.
- Right now simple to be able to capture whatever data an org would want
- SImple enough that it's not done through hierarchical configuration
- Can more easily generate report.
- Will be foundation of how we do surveys and conduct lots of information.
- Risk Analysis
- Have workflow and calculations and business rules you do against.
- Can capture all the information you want - not hard to put a simple screen for that data
- Example is the Risk Analysis view for GK
- Can do this for however you risk analysis goes through
- Reusing data table approach doesn't force us to build so much infrastructure into the application.
- Right now we cover most of scenarios around what's needed for client data
- Data Table approach would be the way we extend it further.
- Screen for loan creation flow could be how you would like it - right now in demo it's pretty complex.
- Options to configure
- Amortization - equal installments or equal principle
- Interest calculation - flat, declining balance
- loan term - howevery frequent you would like
- interest - expressed as a per month or per year rate.
- Can associate fund - fund mgmt very simple right now just for reporting purposes.
- Can support historical loans by changing expected disbursal date (automatically get reflected in repayment table)
- Charges can click wat what stage they're due - they automatically show up in repayment schedule
- i.e. flat charge at disburasement, % at other times.
- Charges tab can see what's due, what's collected, what has been waived, etc.
- Loan that has been created
- Multiple views of repayment schedules
- Can associate documents with a loan as well, additional data as well.
- Once it's been approved you will also see transactions tab with the transactions.
- Functions currently at top - add charge, undo disbursal, modify, loan repayment, waive interest, write-off, close (as rescheduled) or Close
- As payments come in both the transactions and repayment schedule tabs get updated.
- Can add a charge to a loan directly from within loan
- i.e. a bounced check penalty
- Charges t
- Loan schedule gets automatically configured as you're createing new loan
- Functions are on tabs at top - when it's pending approval
- Can add charge, can reject loan, can withdraw application can modify application, can then approve it, can delete.
- This will be controlled with permissions
- Maker/Checker style security workflow will make its way soon into the portfolio workflow.
User Experience
- Vishwas has started to align tabs and put some icons to make it look a bit nicer but all very basic right now.
- Work still coming on custom acccount IDs...
- Have both screen-based reporting - simple sql queries against data displaying simple jquery screens
- or can run embedded pentaho reports
Other Stuff that haven't Demoed yet
- Ability to create groups and associate members - still tackling more completed group stuff
- Fixed and Recurring Deposits functionality in there.
- ability to link savings/loans together as well.
- Nayan - what will be happening around groups
- Will we have n-number hierarchy levels - i.e. Village - Group - Center
- Keith - should be able to allow for that group of group or groups of groups of
- Goal is to not start out with limitations but only add constraints when those are needed.
Can we contact any client (MFI/SCC/etc..) who is using this product? [FINA2]
Skype Commentary
[7:56:08 AM] Vishwas Babu A J: Agreed....... jquery mobile would be good
[7:58:13 AM] *** Edward Cable added Milagros Mendoza Campos ***
[7:59:00 AM] Vishwas Babu A J: Similar to Khan academy http://www.jqmgallery.com/2011/03/07/khan-academy/
[8:02:55 AM] Edward Cable: https://secure.join.me/403-917-233
[8:03:45 AM] Vishwas Babu A J: https://mifosforge.jira.com/browse/MIFOSX-118
[8:06:45 AM] Edward Cable: https://mifosforge.jira.com/browse/MIFOSX-31
[8:10:56 AM] *** Call ended, duration 26:43 ***
[8:41:29 AM] *** Edward Cable added //FinA ***
[8:48:15 AM] Ndugwa Thomas: Lots of Functionality there... Much has been added, Gr8 work.
[8:49:10 AM] Polly Najori: It's beautiful.....everything ia accessble....I love the interface
[8:49:27 AM] //FinA: Can we contact any client (MFI/SCC/etc..) who is using this product?
[8:51:14 AM] NayanAmbali: I liked interest per month, more useful for SHGs
[8:51:59 AM] Ndugwa Thomas: When ready wud be nice to have a demo server outthere to try out all ths functionalities
[8:52:16 AM] Keith Woodlock: https://demo.openmf.org
[8:52:25 AM] Keith Woodlock: login in as mifos/password
[8:52:30 AM] //FinA: I have seen. Very nice Keith !
[8:52:36 AM] Ndugwa Thomas: Oh gr8
[8:54:30 AM] Ndugwa Thomas: Tx
[8:54:31 AM] Lassâad Ben Hadj: thank you great work
[8:54:34 AM] Praveen Kumar H.I: Thanks Ed. thank you every one.
[8:54:45 AM] natu.lauchande: Thank everyone.
[8:54:53 AM] Edward Cable: take care.
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